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Parenthesis ( and ) are used to contain the parameters in a function For Example Vector(0,0,1)


Square Brackets

Square Brackets [ and ] specify frame numbers and components

Square Brackets [ and ] are used at the end of a function call or parenthesis ( ) to specify the frames numbers and components Example, add two signals and retrieve the component 1 from frame 5 Evaluate_Expression /Expression= (TARGET::ORIGINAL::RFT1 + TARGET::ORIGINAL::RFT2)[5,1] /Result_Name=RFT_ADD_X /Result_Type=DERIVED /Result_Folder=PROCESSED ; for example, add two signals and retrieve the component 1 for all frames Evaluate_Expression /Expression= (TARGET::ORIGINAL::RFT1 + TARGET::ORIGINAL::RFT2)[-1,1] /Result_Name=RFT_ADD_X /Result_Type=DERIVED /Result_Folder=PROCESSED ; NOTE a frame of -1 means all frames Extracting one “component” of data from signal

The following command will result in the DERIVED signal TEST containing the X component values of the TARGET RFT1. Evaluate_Expression /EXPRESSION=TARGET::ORIGINAL::RFT1::X /RESULT_NAME=TEST /RESULT_TYPE=DERIVED ! /RESULT_FOLDER=PROCESSED ;

Using Square Brackets and Boolean Operators

In this example, project a collection of markers onto the floor whenever the z-component of a marker is less than a threshold (e.g. 0.08 in this example) otherwise set the resulting frame to NO_DATA Evaluate_Expression /EXPRESSION=1)*VECTOR(1,1,0)*CURRENT_SIGNAL /SIGNAL_TYPES=TARGET /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL /SIGNAL_NAMES=LFT1+LFT2+LFT3+RFT1+RFT2+RFT3 /RESULT_TYPES=TARGET /RESULT_FOLDERS=GROUND ! /RESULT_NAME= /APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=TRUE ;

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/expressions/brackets.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:45 by sgranger