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Expressions Overview

Many (but not all) edit boxes and pipeline command parameters allow the use of expressions instead of numerical values. Visual3D uses a common expression parser, so the following syntax is common across all command parameters that allow expressions.

Evaluate_Expression Command

The Evaluate_Expression command allows the users to include expressions for defining the processing of the signals.

Evaluate_Expression /Expression= !/Signal_Type= !/Signal_Folder= !/Signal_Name= /Result_Type= /Result_Folder= /Result_Name= !/Apply_as_suffix_to_signal_name=FALSE ;


Visual3D Reserved Characters

There are five characters that cause the equation parser considerable trouble. We have introduced reserved pipeline commands that can be used in the place of these characters.

& Ampersand
: Colon
+ Plus
/ Forward Slash

Visual3D Reserved Names

CURRENT_SIGNALshort hand for signal names
NAN Not a Number
isNAN Is Not a Number?


Mathematical Constants
pi() 3.14159265358979323846
gravity_vector() gravity vector in the laboratory coordinate system. For a z-up coordinate system returns (0,0,-9.81)
rand()Generate a random number

Mathematical Operators

Note: Visual3D parses the mathematical operators before it parses the signal names. If you have a signal name that contains a mathematical operator (e.g. R-Foot1), Visual3D will probably not be able to parse the equation expression properly. Also Note the potential conflict between some of the operators and the reserved characters. If the string is obviously an expression, there is no conflict.

Mathematical Operators
+ Plus or Add
- Minus or Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
^ Power → for example, x2 = x to the power 2
| logical OR → the adjective NOT is allowed
& logical AND → the adjective NOT is allowed
== OR = Equals
<> OR >< Not Equals
< Less Than
<= OR =< Less Than or Equals To
> Greater Than
>= OR =>Greater Than or Equals To
The ugly truth of the logical and

& is used by Visual3D for concatenating strings it works quite well, but there is one circumstance where this choice of delimiter is a nuisance. and that is when you want & to actually be a logical and and the parser throws it away in this case you can use the reserved string AMP it was only really ugly before version 2024_04 because it didn't work before then Example given a file that has TAGS labelled TEST1 and TEST2 To select files containing the tags TEST1 and TEST2 Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=ALL_FILES /QUERY=TEST1 & TEST2 ! /SUBJECT_TAGS=NO_SUBJECT ; ! But what if you want to generalize and use another pipeline parameter for TEST2 Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=SCOTT2 /PARAMETER_VALUE=TEST1 &::AMP &::SCOTT ; Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=ALL_FILES /QUERY=TEST1 &::AMP &::SCOTT ! /SUBJECT_TAGS=NO_SUBJECT ;


( ) contain the parameters in a function
[ ]specify frame numbers and components


Visual3D has pre-defined functions imbedded in the pipeline to help you out. These functions are commonly used or have been added based on customer use.

Metric Functions

Signal Functions

String Data

Least Squares Fitting of Data

Intersection Functions

Assigned Force Functions

Trigonometric Functions

Array and Matrix Functions

Common Math Expressions

int(a) - truncate each component to the nearest integer round(a) - round each component to the nearest integer fmod(y,x) - Returns the floating-point remainder of y/x ⇒ y and x must be one dimensional signals; returns a one dimensional signal abs(a) - absolute value sign(a)= sign of the signal ((a<0)=-1, (a>0)=1, (a==0) = 0 sqrt(a) - square root exp(a) - exponent log(a) - natural log log10(a) - log base 10 length(x) – creates the length (magnitude) of a vector distance(a,b) – distance between two signals. Example Evaluate_Expression /Expression= distance(LANDMARK::ORIGINAL::RIGHT_HIP , TARGET::ORIGINAL::LHIP) /Result_Name=PROX_THIGH_RADIUS ! /Result_Type=DERIVED ! /Result_Folder=PROCESSED ;

dot (a, b) – creates the dot product of a and b cross (a, b) – creates the cross product of a and b NOTE: Often you will want to do dot (a, b)/ length (b), or cross (a, b) / length (b)

Expression Examples

Examples of using Evaluate_Expressions can be found here: Expressions Examples

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/expressions/expressions_overview.1721229774.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:22 by sgranger