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**export_c3dfile** | || |**/old_file_name=** |the name of a c3d file in the workspace. wildcards (*) are acceptable || |**/new_file_name=** |the names of the files to be exported || |**/destination_folder=** |the name of the folder to save the files. if no folder is specified, the user is prompted for the folder. || |**/suffix=** |the suffix will be added to the new file name. || |**/export_endian=** |the endian for the exported file. || |**/truncate_point_labels=** |(true or false) exports all point labels with 4 characters. || |**/export_processed_data=** |(true or false) exports data from the processed folder instead of the original folder. || |**/truncate_parameter_section=** |(true or false) truncates the parameter section. || |**/use_original_start_frame**= |visual3d always refers to the first frame of data as frame 1. some c3d files specify a different start frame that visual3d stores for possible export|| |**/export_start_frame**= 1 |the first frame of data to export || |**/export_end_frame**= eof |the last frame of data to export || |**/export_all_landmarks=** |(true or false) export landmarks as targets. || |**/export_digitizing_landmarks=**|(true or false) export digitizing landmarks as targets. || |**/export_functional_landmarks=**|(true or false) export functional joint landmarks as targets. || |**/export_empty_targets=** |(true or false) signals that contain no data will not be exported. || |**/export_old_event_labels=** |(true or false) export event labels in the header section. || |**/event_labels=** |list of event_labels to be exported. if empty, all event labels\\ (up to a maximum of 18 if old event labels are selected) will be exported. || ====== example: exporting between event_labels ====== only a start_frame and an end_frame are available as parameters for the export command. to export between event_labels: **set_pipeline_parameter_from_expression** /parameter_name=start_frame /expression=1+event_label::original::start*parameters::point::rate /as_integer=true **;** \\ **set_pipeline_parameter_from_expression** /parameter_name=endframe /expression=1+event_label::original::end*parameters::point::rate /as_integer=true **;** **export_c3dfile** /old_file_name=c:\demo files\caseamd\amd001.c3d /new_file_name=test.c3d /destination_folder=z:\scottselbie 1\desktop\test\ /suffix= /export_endian=1 ! /truncate_point_labels=false ! /use_original_start_frame=false /export_start_frame=::start_frame /export_end_frame=::end_frame ! /export_processed_target_data=false ! /export_processed_analog_data=false ! /truncate_parameter_section=false /export_all_landmarks=false ! /export_digitizing_landmarks=false ! /export_functional_landmarks=false ! /export_empty_targets=false ! /event_labels= ! /export_old_event_labels=false **;** ====== example: exporting all c3d files from the workspace ====== this example will export all c3d files in the workspace <code> export_c3dfile /old_file_name= *.c3d !/new_file_name= /destination_folder= /suffix= !/export_endian= !/truncate_point_labels= !/use_original_start_frame=false !/export_start_frame=1 !/export_end_frame=eof !/export_processed_data= false !/truncate_parameter_section=false !/export_junk_targets=false !/export_old_event_labels=false !/event_labels= ; </code> note that the **/destination_folder=** is not specified in the command above. to have control over the destination folder for the exported c3d file, the entire path to the exported file should be specified. often this is done by adding a pipeline command to prompt the user for the folder path. <code> ! this will allow the user to set the folder path for the destination files set_pipeline_parameter_to_folder_path /parameter_name= folder /parameter_value= ; ! export all c3d files in the workspace to the folder path specified by the user export_c3dfile /old_file_name= *.c3d !/new_file_name= /destination_folder=::folder /suffix= !/export_endian= !/truncate_point_labels= !/use_original_start_frame=false !/export_start_frame=1 !/export_end_frame=eof !/export_processed_data= false !/truncate_parameter_section=false !/export_junk_targets=false !/export_old_event_labels=false !/event_labels= ; </code> ====== exporting processed signals ====== if **/export_processed_data= true**, visual3d exports only data from the target processed folder. if there are no signals in the processed folder, the exported c3d file will contain no point data. <code> ! this will allow the user to set the folder path for the destination files set_pipeline_parameter_to_folder_path /parameter_name= folder /parameter_value= ; ! export all c3d files in the workspace to the folder path specified by the user ! visual3d exports only data from the target processed folder export_c3dfile /old_file_name= *.c3d !/new_file_name= /destination_folder=::folder /suffix= !/export_endian= !/truncate_point_labels= !/use_original_start_frame=false !/export_start_frame=1 !/export_end_frame=eof /export_processed_data= true !/truncate_parameter_section=false !/export_junk_targets=false !/export_old_event_labels=false !/event_labels= !/number_of_frames_to_export=all ; </code> \\ [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:general_information:pipeline_commands_reference|back to pipeline commands reference]]

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/file_commands/export_c3dfile.1718804222.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 13:37 by sgranger