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Close the Active Files.

This is equivalent to the user interaction under the file menu. Note that only the movement files can be active files, so you can only close movement files. File_Name can be ALL_FILES, a TAG, or a Filename(Wildcards are acceptable)


To close a model use: Close_Model_File

File Close using Query Parameter

Visual3D Professional Users have an extra Parameter.

File_Close /File_Name= /Query= ; To accomplish Example_2 below:

File_Close /File_Name=ALL_FILES /Query=Tag1 & NOT(Tag2) ;


To close all movement trials containing the string “walk”

File_Close /File_Name= *walk*.c3d ;


To close the active files, you need to have an intermediate command.

Select all files with Tag1 that do not also have Tag2, then close the active files.

Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=ALL_FILES QUERY=Tag1 & NOT(Tag2) ; Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_List_Of_Tagged_Files /PARAMETER_NAME=FILES /TAG_NAME= /GET_CURRENT_SELECTED_FILES=true ! /USE_SHORT_FILENAMES=false ; File_Close /FILE_NAME=::FILES ;

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visual3d/documentation/pipeline/file_commands/file_close.1721158114.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/16 19:28 by sgranger