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Remove Prefix From Point Labels

Remove the prefix from marker names.


Remove_Prefix_From_Point_Labels ! /PREFIX= ! /INCLUDE_CAL_FILE=TRUE ! /OVERWRITE_C3D_FILE=FALSE ; Some motion capture manufacturer's software provides an option to add a prefix to all of the marker labels. This causes Visual3D a big problem because Visual3D assumes that markers are named consistently between files, especially between the standing trial and the movement trials.

This command can be used to remove marker prefix from targets.

/Prefix Parameter

If the PREFIX parameter is specified, only this prefix will be removed from the signal names.

If the PREFIX parameter is left blank, Visual3D looks for the C3D Parameter Group called “SUBJECTS” and the parameter “LABEL_PREFIXES”. This could contain several entries, and Visual3D searches the TARGETS for signals containing these names and the prefix is removed from the name.

We have seen instances where the manufacturer stores these values incorrectly.

In this case, the user should manually specify the prefix and the C3D Parameters are ignored.


If TRUE, the model files will be modified as well.


If TRUE, the modified c3d file will be exported.

Use this parameter with caution. It is recommended that the parameter be set to FALSE in most cases so that the new names can be verified. The files can then be exported in an independent command.


Given a file with marker names

MarkerSet_C7 MarkerSet_L_ACR MarkerSet_L_CLAV MarkerSet_L_FARM_1 MarkerSet_L_FARM_2 MarkerSet_L_FARM_3 etc The prefix to be removed is

MarkerSet_ The command acts on all [Active_Files|active files], so ensure that you have selected the files you want modified.

The command parameters are:

Remove_Prefix_From_Point_Labels /PREFIX=MarkerSet_ ! /INCLUDE_CAL_FILE=TRUE ! /OVERWRITE_C3D_FILE=FALSE ;

The result is:

C7 L_ACR L_CLAV L_FARM_1 L_FARM_2 L_FARM_3 etc Back to Pipeline Commands Reference

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/file_commands/remove_prefix_from_point_labels.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:45 by sgranger