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fp_used]]= ! /[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:force_commands:fp_type|fp_type]]= ! /fp_channel= ! /fp_origin= ! /fp_calmatrix= ! /store_calmatrix=byrow ! /[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:force_commands:fp_zero|fp_zero]]= ! /[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:force_commands:fp_zeros|fp_zeros]]= ! /fp_corner1= ! /fp_corner2= ! /fp_corner3= ! /fp_corner4= ! /fp_cop_polynomial= ! /fp_cop_translation= ! /fp_cop_rotation= /[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:file_commands:update_c3d_file|update_c3d_file]]=false ! /modify_cal_file=false **;** note that fp_used refers to the number of platforms in the c3d file. ==== modify a subset of the parameters ==== note that it is possible to modify a single parameters. for example, to modify only the corners. **modify_force_platform_parameters** /fp_corner1=0+100+0 /fp_corner2=100+100+0 /fp_corner3=100+0+0 /fp_corner4=0+0+0 **;** ==== modify fpzero using endoffile ==== if all trials start with the force platform loaded, but end the file with the force platform unloaded, you can specify the last 10 frames of data as follows: **modify_force_platform_parameters** /fp_used=2 /fp_zero=eof-10+eof /fp_zeros=eof-10+eof+eof-10+eof **;** where eof refers to the last frame of data (e.g. **e**nd **o**f **f**ile) ==== original vs processed ==== many users have commented that modifying the force platform parameters doesn't seem to have any affect. this is often caused by the presence of processed force, center of pressure, and free moment signals. modifying the parameters affects the original signals. if there are processed signals, they are unaffected, and need to be processed again. [[visual3d:documentation:visual3d_signal_types:used_process#why_filter_the_analog_vs_force_data|however, we do not recommend filtering the force/cofp/freemoment signals.]] ===== modify_force_platform_parameters command dialog ===== it is also possible to modify force platform parameters via the graphical interface's dialog located in visual3d's force menu. the dialog provides you with an overview of all the current force platform parameter values and allows you to edit and save these values. amti4.png

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/force_commands/modify_force_platform_parameters.1718804249.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 13:37 by sgranger