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Global vs Loca Max and Min
It is important to understand the differences between the Event_Global_Minimum and Event_Minimum commands.
Event_Global_Minimum creates an event at the global minimum value of a signal.
Event_Minimum creates an event at the local minimum value of a signal. This means the minimum value must be the minimum value for a number of frames before and after the value.
The minimum number of frames is specified in the Frame Window parameter of the pipeline command.
For Example:
For example: Create events at the global and local minimum of the Right Knee Flexion Angle during a gait cycle (RHS+RHS).
The Global Minimum event is created at the lowest flexion angle during the entire gait cycle.
The Local Minimum event is created at the minimum flexion angle, if that pt is the minimum value for 8 frames (the number of frames is pecified by the frame window).
To identify a local minimum:
- The local minimum must be a peak and the signal may not be decreasing within the specified frame window.