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Instructions to download and install Notepad++:

  1. Go to the C-Motion Free Downloads section and click the “Download” button under Notepad++ to download the plugin.
  2. Once the plugin has been downloaded, unzip the download and follow the INSTALL.txt instructions to save the userDefineLang.xml file in the correct location

Why is this useful?

A pipeline script (v3s file) can be opened in any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++), but Notepad++ allows the user to color code the file - making it much easier to read/modify a script.

Color Scheme

In Visual3Dv6, the Pipeline workshop was color coded to make it easier to read commands:

With the release of v6, the color scheme in Notepad++ was updated to match that of the Visual3D Pipeline Workshop:

 ! ======================================================= 
 ! Indicate the signals being graphed using prompt 
 !  (1) kinematic (2) kinetic or (3) all 
 ! ======================================================= 
 ! List of signals that will be graphed 
 !  The SIDE parameter will specify whether the signal is L or R 

 ! Indicates a comment line
 / Indicates a line that has set a parameter
 ! / Indicates that the default parameter value will be used
 ; End of Pipeline Command 
visual3d/documentation/pipeline/general_information/notepad.1720028479.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/03 17:41 by sgranger