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Instructions to download and install Notepad++:

  1. Download the notepad++ plugin here.
  2. Once the plugin has been downloaded, unzip the download and follow the INSTALL.txt instructions to save the userDefineLang.xml file in the correct location

Why is this useful?

A pipeline script (v3s file) can be opened in any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++), but Notepad++ allows the user to color code the file - making it much easier to read/modify a script.

Color Scheme

In Visual3Dv6, the Pipeline workshop was color coded to make it easier to read commands:

With the release of v6, the color scheme in Notepad++ was updated to match that of the Visual3D Pipeline Workshop:

 ! ======================================================= 
 ! Indicate the signals being graphed using prompt 
 !  (1) kinematic (2) kinetic or (3) all 
 ! ======================================================= 
 ! List of signals that will be graphed 
 !  The SIDE parameter will specify whether the signal is L or R 

 ! Indicates a comment line
 / Indicates a line that has set a parameter
 ! / Indicates that the default parameter value will be used
 ; End of Pipeline Command 
visual3d/documentation/pipeline/general_information/notepad.1725454776.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/04 12:59 by sgranger