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Metric Event Count

Creates a metric containing the number of events that occur in an event sequence or time interval.


Prior to Version 5.00.29

the user could select “either” an Event_Sequence/Exclude Sequence or a Time_Interval if Event_Sequence/Exclude Sequence The count of the specified Event includes all sequences in the file if Time_Interval (specified as a number) A count of events within each time interval (starting from Time=0) is specified as a separate frame. For example, if there were three ranges defined by the time sequence, there would be 3 frames of data in the resulting metric.

Starting in Version 5.00.29

the user can select both an Event_Sequence/Exclude Sequence and a Time_Interval but only the first Event_Sequence is used. If the Time_Interval is empty the command behaves as before. If the Time_Interval is populated (a number or expression) the start time is the first event in the event_sequence.
As of Visual3Dv5.00.29 this command must be edited manually.

User Dialog Starting in Version 5.01.14

In Visual3D v5.01.14 the user dialog was introduced. The command works the same as described in v5.00.29, however the user may now modify the command using the GUI interface.




LON_COUNT will count all events in the file and a metric value LON_COUNT will be created in the METRIC::PROCESSED folder.

“Since GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL is set to TRUE, the total number of LON events in the workspace will be created.

To see this value set the Active File to GLOBAL and a metric value LON_COUNT will be created in the METRIC::PROCESSED folder.


This example shows 3 ways the Metric_Event_Count command can be used.

Consider a set of 5 files containing the following event LHS.

Event LHS mvc004.c3d 0.960000 2.240000 3.500000 mvc003.c3d 0.980000 2.260000 3.560000 mvc002.c3d 1.000000 2.260000 3.600000 mvc005.c3d 0.920000 2.140000 3.360000

Count events across entire file

Count across the entire file Metric_Event_Count /RESULT_METRIC_NAME=LHS_COUNT /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /EVENT_NAME=LHS /TIME_INTERVAL= /EVENT_SEQUENCE= /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=TRUE ; Result mvc005.c3d Event_Count= 3 mvc002.c3d Event_Count= 3 mvc003.c3d Event_Count= 3 mvc004.c3d Event_Count= 3 Global_Event_Count= 12

Count events across entire file in time intervals

Count across the entire file at 1 second intervals Metric_Event_Count /RESULT_METRIC_NAME=LHS_COUNT /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /EVENT_NAME=LHS /TIME_INTERVAL=1 /EVENT_SEQUENCE= /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=TRUE ; Result mvc005.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.200000 Event_Count= 0 mvc002.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.580000 Event_Count= 0 mvc003.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.600000 Event_Count= 0 mvc004.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.380000 Event_Count= 0 Global_Event_Counts Global_Event_Count= 3 Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 4 Global_Event_Count= 4 Global_Event_Count= 0

Count events in a set number of intervals across entire file

Count over 5 intervals from the event_sequence START+END Where START=1.0 and END=4.0 for all files Metric_Event_Count /RESULT_METRIC_NAME=LHS_COUNT /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /EVENT_NAME=LHS /TIME_INTERVAL=(EVENT_LABEL::ORIGINAL::END-EVENT_LABEL::ORIGINAL::START)/5 /EVENT_SEQUENCE=START+END /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=TRUE ; Result mvc005.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 0 mvc002.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 mvc003.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 mvc004.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Counts Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 3 Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 3

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/metric_commands/metric_event_count.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger