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Metric Signal Value At Event

Legacy Command

Metric_Signal_At_Event replaced the command Signal_Value_At_Event


The value of the specified signal at the specified frame of data is stored as a metric.

  • All components of the specified signal will be stored in the metric signal.
    • Since version 5: the user has the option to select an individual component
  • If there are multiple occurrences of an EVENT, there will be multiple entries in the metric that is created.
  • There is an option to calculate the mean and standard deviation for metrics that have multiple values.

/Result_Metric_Name= The name of the resulting signal.
/Result_Metric_Folder= The folder that will contain the resulting signal
/Signal_Types= The type of signal to be evaluated
/Signal_Names= The names of the signals to be evaluated
/Signal_Folder=The name of the signal folder
/Event_Name= The name of the event Label.
/Generate_Mean_And_Stddev= If there are multiple occurences of the Event, the metric will contain multiple values.If Selecte the mean and standard deviation for the metric values will be computed.
/Append_To_Existing_Values= (True or False) If the metric exists, the new values will be appended to the metric, retaining all of the previous values.
/Generate_Metric_Length_Metric= (True or False) If the metric is a vector quantity (e.g. has 3 components), compute the magnitude of the vector.
/Retain_No_Data_Values= (True or False) If the result is no_data, retain the value.

Example Value of a Target

This example calculates the value of the TARGET RFT1 at the Event_Label RON

Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event /Result_Metric_Name=RFT1_ON /Result_Metric_Folder=PROCESSED /Signal_Types=TARGET /Signal_Names=RFT1 /Signal_Folder=ORIGINAL /Event_Name=RON /Generate_Mean_And_Stddev=FALSE /Append_To_Existing_Values=FALSE /Generate_Metric_Length_Metric=FALSE /Retain_No_Data_Values=TRUE ; Note: In cases where there is NO_DATA at an event, you need to specify the parameter /Retain_No_Data_Values=TRUE should you want this included in the resulting signal.

Example Time at an Event

This example calculates the time of the Event_Label RON

Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event /Result_Metric_Name=RON_TIME /Result_Metric_Folder=PROCESSED /Signal_Types=FRAME_NUMBERS /Signal_Names=TIME /Signal_Folder=ORIGINAL /Event_Name=RON /Generate_Mean_And_Stddev=FALSE /Append_To_Existing_Values=FALSE /Generate_Metric_Length_Metric=FALSE /Retain_No_Data_Values=FALSE ;

Component Workaround

Since Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event outputs all three components, here is a workaround of the previous example that will output one component. Evaluate_Expression is used to create a signal with one component, the z component for RFT1. Then the Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event will calculate the value of the TARGET RFT1 at the Event_Label RON.

! RFT1 Z component


P2D Signals

Consider a P2D signal created using Global_Normalized_Signal_Mean. The resulting signal has three components, an index, a mean signals, and a standard deviation signal It is possible to compute the maximum value of the 3 components using Metric_Maximum It isn't possible to directly identify the standard deviation at that index because it isn't possible to define an Event for a time normalized signal ( has no frame rate or time. Without having an event you cannot get the value of a signal at that event using Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event One solution, albeit a non-intuitive solution is to SORT (descending) the p2D signal by the second component (eg. the MEAN). Evaluate_Expression /EXPRESSION=SORT(P2D::TEST::LHIP_ANGLE, -1.0, 2) ! /SIGNAL_TYPES= ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= /RESULT_TYPES=P2D /RESULT_FOLDERS=TEST_SORTED /RESULT_NAME=LHIP_ANGLE_SORTED !/APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=FALSE '; For the resulting signal, the maximum value and the associated standard deviation will be in the first frame

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/metric_commands/metric_signal_value_at_event.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger