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| compute the standard deviation of a signal and store the value as a metric in the following example, compute the standard deviation of the signal handspeed metricstddevdlg.png |**metric_stddev** | | | |**/result_metric_name=** |_sd |the name of the metric signal created | |**/apply_as_suffix_to_signal_name=** |true |specify the metric name to be the original signal plus a suffix | |**/result_metric_folder=** |processed | | |**/signal_types=** |derived | | |**/signal_names=** |handspeed |specify the signal to be used | |**/signal_folder=** |processed | | |**/signal_components=** |all_components |specify the signal components to be used (e.g. x, y, z or 0, 1, 2 etc) | |**/[[visual3d:documentation:c3d_signal_types:event_label_data_type#event_sequence|event_sequence]]=** |frame1 + go |specify the sequence of events. any number of events can be entered (separated by +). this specific sequence of events must be true for a metric to be computed. the metric is computed from the first event in the sequence to the last event in the sequence| |**/[[visual3d:documentation:c3d_signal_types:event_label_data_type#exclude_events|exclude_events]]=** |max_speed |if this event occurs before the first and last event, do not computed a metric | |**/[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:metric_commands:sequence_percent_start|sequence_percent_start]]=**|within the event sequence specify the beginning of the range as a percent| | |**/[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:metric_commands:sequence_percent_start|sequence_percent_end]]=** |within the event sequence specify the end of the range as a percent | | |**/generate_mean_and_stddev=** |true |generate the mean and standard deviation of this metric across ranges and files | |**/append_to_existing_values==** |false |do not add these metric values to an existing metric | |**;** | | |

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/metric_commands/metric_stddev.1718804269.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 13:37 by sgranger