Table of Contents
Metric To Fit Signal To Line
Fit a signal to a line
Y = mX + b and create Metrics for Slope (a), Intercept (b), Sigma m, Sigma b, CHI2, and Q (R^2)
Metric_To_Fit_Signal_To_Line /RESULT_METRIC_NAME= The resulting name of the metric /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER= The resulting folder of the metric /SIGNAL_TYPES= The signal type for the dependent variable /SIGNAL_NAMES= The signal name for the dependent variable /SIGNAL_FOLDER= The signal folder for the dependent variable /SIGNAL_COMPONENT= The signal component for the dependent variable /X_SIGNAL_TYPE= The signal type for the independent variable /X_SIGNAL_NAME= The signal name for the independent variable /X_SIGNAL_FOLDER= The signal folder for the independent variable /X_SIGNAL_COMPONENT= The signal component for the independent variable /GENERATE_MEAN_AND_STDDEV= Calculate the mean and standard deviation /APPEND_TO_EXISTING_VALUES= Append values to the existing result signal ;
The resulting signal has 6 components:
Slope = m → Component 1
Intercept = b → Component 2
Siga = uncertainty in m → Component 3
Sigb = uncertainty in b → Component 4
Chi2 = chi square → Component 5
Q = The R^2 statistic → Component 6
Legacy Parameters
Prior to Visual3Dv5.02.28:
1. The EVENT_SEQUENCE was defined only using a start/end event. This meant if there were multiple sequences, Visual3D would return NO_DATA. The original event names were:
/START_EVENT= /END_EVENT= 2. It was not possible to calculate the mean/standard deviation or append values
In version 6 these parameters are converted into an Event Sequence.
visual3d/documentation/pipeline/metric_commands/metric_to_fit_signal_to_line.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 11:46 by sgranger