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Metric Vector Between Events

This command creates a metric vector of a signal(s) value between a start and an end event. The command and it's parameters are found below:

/Metric_Name= The name of the resulting metric signal.
/Generate_Vector_Length_Metric= (TRUE or FALSE)Compute the length of the vector (e.g. a scalar).
/Start_Signal_Name= The name of the signal whose value will be obtained from the Start Event.
/Start_Signal_Type= The type of the Start Signal.
/End_Signal_Name= The name of the signal whose value will be obtained from the End Event.
/End_Signal_Type= The type of the End Signal.
/End_Signal_Folder= The folder of the End Signal.
/Event_Sequence=A list of events (separated by “+” signs). For example, LHS+RTO
/Exclude_Events=Exclude Sequences containing these Events.
/Generate_Mean_And_StdDev= (True or False)Generate the mean and standard deviation for all of the metrics created
/Append to Existing Values= (True or False)Append this list of metrics to an existing metric of the same result name

The command can be edited in the text editor of the pipeline workshop or can be edited from a dialog. The dialog that pops up when pipeline selection is edited by double clicking with the left mouse button. The example below shows the dialog.

Example: Stride Length Vector for Gait

The dialog below contains the values for creating the Stride Length vector on the right side during gait.

The command looks like this in the text editor:


Note: To get stride length, use the parameter /GENERATE_VECTOR_LENGTH_METRIC=TRUE to create the scalar of the stride vector.

Example: Stride Length Vector for Throwing

A stride length vector (or scalar) can also be calculated in throwing. Events are created that define the particular phases of the throwing motion. Below is an example of calculating a stride length between Arm Cock Start and Lead Foot Contact.


Visual3D Versions supporting Subject Prefixes

NOTE: When using events in a command, the commands will iterate across subjects contained in the current workspace. As such, events and sequences listed as command parameters should NOT contain a prefix. As each subject is processed, the event range/sequence specified will automatically use the specific events prefixed for each subject as they are processed.

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/metric_commands/metric_vector_between_events.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger