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definition of a joint

we use the word “joint” in two different ways in visual3d.

first, a “joint” defines the point at which the joint reaction force is considered to be equal and opposite between two segments, and the net joint moment is considered to be equal and opposite between two segments.

note that in a 6 dof model, the joint isn't a specific point. note that the user cannot specify a joint. visual3d determines that a joint exists if the proximal end of a kinetic segment is closer than the distal radius of a proximal segments distal endpoint. second, we have followed the literature in calling a landmark that is computed functionally as a functional joint. in visual3d this is really a functional landmark.

if for example, a functional hip joint is computed and the landmark is not within the distal radius of the pelvis from the distal end of the pelvis, no joint will be created. this is not a problem for joint moments because the joint moment is really the proximal moment on the segment, so no joint is needed. this is, however, a problem for joint power because there will be no way to compute the joint angular velocity. if a joint has not been created where you expect it, check to see that he landmark is sufficiently close to the pelvis.

default joint names

visual3d creates joint names automatically for the default segments.

visual3d contains a number of default segment names that are provided for the convenience of the user. these default segments contain geometry, the inertial properties, and the wire frame model. users that create their own segment names need to add this information in the segment properties tab in model builder mode

the calculation of joint moment, joint power, and joint force refer to the proximal end of the segment selected. for convenience we have mapped segment names to joint names automatically because we assumed that users would find it more intuitive.

visual3d segment nameanatomical segmentjoint nameanatomical joint
rft right foot rankle right ankle
rsk right shank rknee right knee
rth right thigh rhip right hip
lft left foot lankle left ankle
lsk left shank lknee left knee
lth left thigh lihp left hip
rpv pelvis waist waist
rtk trunk and pelvis rwaist waist
rta thorax and abdomenrwaist waist
rhe head neck neck
rar right upper arm rshoulder right shoulder
rfa right forearm relbow right elbow
rha right hand rwrist right wrist
lar left upper arm lshoulder left shoulder
lfa left forearm lelbow left elbow
lha left hand lwrist left wrist

custom joint names

the joint moment computed by visual3d is expressed as the proximal moment on a segment.

for example, the moment between the shank and thigh is commonly referred to as the knee moment, but is actually computed as the proximal moment on the shank.

if the link model is defined with a shank and a thigh segment, the “joint” name listed in the model based combo boxes is assigned automatically to be the “knee” (as shown in the table above).

if the link model is defined with a shank segment and no thigh segment, the joint moment at the proximal end can be computed, but the joint is given the name of the shank segment (e.g. 3 letter acronym).

custom segment joint names

if the user has created a custom segment name, visual3d uses that segment name.

given a segment new_seg the joint will appear as new_seg

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/model_based_data_commands/default_joint_names.1718801498.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 12:51 by sgranger