Table of Contents
Create Text Data
Create a signal that contains text instead of a number.
/TEXT_DATA=Hello World!
It is possible to specify EITHER TEXT_DATA or TEXT_FILE_NAME but not both.
/TEXT_FILE_NAME refers to a the full pathname of a file on disk that will be read as a text string (e.g. an RTF file).
if /PROMPT_ON_EMPTY==TRUE and the text box and filename edit box are empty the user is prompted for input.
Example: Given the dialog
The resulting signal in the workspace is:
Syntax Issue
Consider the following:
/TEXT_DATA=08/09/2017 by WSS Speed = 0.4 A forward slash (/) is a special character for pipeline commands that indicates that a parameter_name follows immediately afterwards. If an equals sign ( follows Visual3D confirms that a parameter was specified. Two equals signs (=, however, does confirm that a parameter was specified. Visual3D searches for an equals sign after each slash because this logically indicates that the user has specified a parameter. Text_Data is assigned the string 08/09 Visual3D finds an equals sign after the next slash, so interprets the rest of the string as a new parameter /2017 by MJT using Modify_Speed_Metric_Ver01 Speed = 0.4 It doesn't do anything with this parameter because it doesn't recognize it. Solution remove the = sign /TEXT_DATA=08/09/2017 by WSS Speed 0.4 or specify two equals signs /TEXT_DATA=08/09/2017 by WSS Speed == 0.4