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this command will place a breakpoint in the pipeline that will allow the user assess their current progress before continuing. a dialog will pop-up and a custom message will be shown to the user along with two buttons: one allowing you to resume and the other if you wish to halt. the command is as follows:

pipeline_breakpoint /pause_message= ; the message can be formatted using a simple version of the rtf file format.

for example, the following command will output four separate lines in the breakpoint prompt dialg

pipeline_breakpoint /pause_message= {\rtf1\ansi\deff0 \pard one\par \pard two\par \pard three\par \pard four\par } ;

syntax issue

consider the following:

/pause_message=08/09/2017 by wss speed = 0.4 a forward slash (/) is a special character for pipeline commands that indicates that a parameter_name follows immediately afterwards. if an equals sign (=) follows visual3d confirms that a parameter was specified. two equals signs (==), however, does confirm that a parameter was specified. visual3d searches for an equals sign after each slash because this logically indicates that the user has specified a parameter. pause_message is assigned the string 08/09 visual3d finds an equals sign after the next slash, so interprets the rest of the string as a new parameter /2017 by mjt using modify_speed_metric_ver01 speed = 0.4 it doesn't do anything with this parameter because it doesn't recognize it. solution remove the = sign /pause_message=08/09/2017 by wss speed 0.4 or specify two equals signs /pause_message=08/09/2017 by wss speed == 0.4

example pipeline

! this script is an example using the pipeline breakpoint command to allow
! the user to review the model and make adjustments before continuing.

! fresh workspace

! apply model to motion files - 
! bring in static file and apply model template. open motion files and assign model

! create hybrid model from static file
! /calibration_file=
! /suffix=
! /range=all_frames

! apply model template. the user will browse for the model file
! /model_template=
! /calibration_file=

! breakpoint for reviewing model
/pause_message=review the model and make any adjustments before continuing.

! open motion files. the user will browse for the files 
! /file_name=
! /suffix=
/set_prompt=open motion files

! assign tags to motion files

! assign the model to the motion files
! /calibration_file=
! /motion_file_names=
! /remove_existing_assignments=false
visual3d/documentation/pipeline/pipeline_commands/pipeline_breakpoint.1718801549.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 12:52 by sgranger