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Prompt For Multiple Pipeline Parameter Values

Prompts a dialog for user to create multiple pipeline parameters with the specified parameter values. The command details are below:

/PIPELINE_PARAMETER_NAME=  The pipeline parameter name
/DATATYPE=   Data type of the parameter
! /DEFAULT_VALUE=  Default value of the parameter
! /DEFAULT_VALUE_COUNT=1 Default number of default values associated with each parameter




This example will prompt the user for 2 values. The resulting pipeline parameters PARAM1 and PARAM2 will contain the inputs from the dialog. In this example, PARAM1 is an INTEGER type with 1 as the default value and PARAM2 is an INTEGER type with 2 as the default value.

The command can be edited by dialog boxes as shown in this example. Double-click on the command and the dialog will appear. To add a parameter:

- Click on the Add New Parameter button.
- In the pop-up window (shown on far right), specify the parameter name PARAM2
- Specify the data type int
- Specify the default data value 2

The completed command should look like the following:

When the command is executed the following dialog appears. The user can modify the Default Values by selecting each item.


Using the DEFAULT_VALUE_COUNT parameter:

If the DEFAULT_VALUE_COUNT parameter is set to 1 (this is the default value), each pipeline parameter can only be set to one value. Using the DEFAULT_VALUE_COUNT parameter command (shown on the right) allows the user to set a pipeline parameter to a list of values. An example of the prompt using this parameter is shown below.
\\ Prompt_For_Multiple_Pipeline_Parameter_Values\\ /PIPELINE_PARAMETER_NAME=SCOTT+SCOTT2\\ /DATATYPE=string+int\\ /DEFAULT_VALUE=one+two+3+4+5+6\\ /DEFAULT_VALUE_COUNT=2+4\\ ;\\ 

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/pipeline_commands/prompt_for_multiple_pipeline_parameter_values.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger