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Set Pipeline Parameter To List Of Files

This command super cedes a retired command. In order to process multiple files it can be useful to identify all of the files in a folder path and assign the names to a pipeline parameter.

Pipeline Command

The command details are as follows:

Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_List_Of_Files /PARAMETER_NAME= the name of the Pipeline Parameter created /FOLDER= The folder from which to start the search /SEARCH_SUBFOLDERS=TRUE ! /FILE_MASK=*.cmo ;

Retired Command

The command Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_List_Of_CMO_Files is retired.

Note: If the FILE_MASK parameter in the Set Pipeline Parameter To List Of Files is left as the default *.cmo the command will behave identically with the retired command.

Example 1: Set Pipeline Parameter to a list of files containing MVC

This example will prompt the user for the folder name and then search for all files containing the text string MVC and set the pipeline parameter name to TEST

! Set Pipeline to FOLDER. Leaving the /PARAMETER_VALUE= blank will prompt the
! user to select the folder 

! Set the pipeline parameter TEST to a list of files with MVC in the filename

Example 2: Set Pipeline Parameter to list of cmo files and copy a model metric

This example will prompt the user for the folder name and search for all files containing the text string .cmo. It will loop over all cmo files

  • Open each cmo file
  • Copy a signal to the Global Workspace
  • Close the cmo file
! Prompt the user for the folder
! Find all .cmo files

! Loop over all cmo files

! Open a cmo file

! Copy a model metric signal named Scott into the Global Workspace
! Name the folder containing the signal by the cmo filename

! Close all c3d files

! Close all models

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/pipeline_commands/set_pipeline_parameter_to_list_of_files.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger