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here]].** creatingreport_tutorial_image_blank.cmo will be used in this tutorial creatingreport_tutorial_image.cmo contains the completed cmo file \\ **all the steps in this tutorial may also be scripted in a pipeline. to see an example please view the [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:report_commands:add_an_image_to_a_report_simple_pipeline|simple pipeline]] tutorial.\\ \\ more advanced pipelines can be made to add an image to a report, an example is shown [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:report_commands:add_an_image_to_a_report_advanced_pipeline|here]].\\ **\\ ====== outline ====== adding an image to a report can be completely automated using a pipeline script, or images can be manually created.\\ \\ **to add an image to a report:**\\ 1) the image must be exported from the **signals and events tab** by:\\ a. setting the 3d view options\\ b. setting the camera perspective\\ c. exporting the image by going to file -> export animation frame to image\\ 2) the image can then be added to the report by selecting **"image"** as the item to add from the **report tab**\\ \\ \\ **note:** images are specific to the subject and are saved within the cmo file, not the report template.\\ \\ ====== export animation frame to image ====== \\ ===== prepare the image for export ===== \\ export the first image of the sagittal view of the subject.\\ |1. **set the current frame** to 239\\ | reportaddimage_currentframe.jpg| |2. modify **3d animation view options**\\ \\ \\ a. set the **background** to white\\ \\ b. **turn off:**\\ \\ lab/floor\\ \\ lab axes\\ \\ landmarks\\ \\ targets\\ \\ segment coordinate system axes\\ \\ c. close the 3d animation view options dialog box | reportaddimage_3dviewoptions.jpg| |3. set the **camera perspective** to the sagittal view of the subject\\ \\ \\ **note:** the perspective seen in the 3d viewer will the exported perspective. | reportaddimage_skeletonsagittal.jpg | ===== export the image ===== \\ |after setting the 3d viewer options, export the image by going to:\\ 1. the **file** drop down menu\\ 2. selecting **export animation frame to image**\\ \\ \\ a.**browse** to the location to export the image | reportaddimage_fileexportimage.jpg| \\ ===== export image 2 - a/p view ===== follow the same instructions as for the first image, but change the camera export perspective to the a/p view of the subject and export the image using a different name. ====== add the image to the report ====== |1. go to the **reports** tab\\ | reportaddimage_reporttab.jpg| |2. add the **sagittal view** image by setting **image** as the "item to add" and clicking **add**. | reportaddimage_itemimage.jpg| |set the parameters to the following:\\ \\ \\ a. **column:** 1\\ \\ b. **row:** 1\\ \\ c. **page:** 3\\ \\ c. **image file name:** browse to the sagittal view exported image\\ \\ d. select **ok** | reportaddimage_imagesagittal.jpg| \\ |3. add the **a/p view** image by setting **image** as the "item to add" and clicking **add**. set the parameters to the following:\\ \\ \\ a. **column:** 1\\ \\ b. **row:** 2\\ \\ c. **page:** 3\\ \\ c. **image file name:** browse to the a/p view exported image\\ \\ d. select **ok** | reportaddimage_imageap.jpg| \\ |4. the images will be loaded into the report. | reportaddimage_finalreport.jpg| }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}