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Add a box to the report graph containing the text.

Make_Text_Annotation /ANNOTATION_NAME=TEXT1 /PAGE_NUMBER=1 /X_POS=1 Y_POS=1 /BALLOON_TEXT=Help ! /TEXT_SIZE=NORMAL ; The top left of the page is location 1,1

The bottom right of the page is location 100,100

This was a hack solution to a problem that has not evolved yet. The user has no control over the size of the box, or the lines/shandows around the box.

The graph item does not appear in the combo box to add a new graph, but if the command is executed a graph item appears in the report dialog, but the item can only be deleted from this dialog. Changes to the text must be made via a Pipeline Command.

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visual3d/documentation/pipeline/report_commands/make_text_annotation.1718644094.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/17 17:08 by sgranger