Documentation Site Map Main Page Reference List Motion Capture Visual3D Overview Visual3D Installation License Activation Getting Started Visual3D Documentation Overview Pipeline Commands Reference Expressions Overview CalTester Mode Overview List of Tutorials Visual3D Examples Overview Troubleshooting Sift Sift Overview Installation Getting Started Sift Documentation Overview Knowledge Discovery for Biomechanical Data Tutorial Overview Troubleshooting Inspect3D Inspect3D Overview Inspect3D Installation Overview Inspect3D Getting Started Overview Inspect3D Documentation Overview Knowledge Discovery in Inspect3D Inspect3D Tutorials Overview Troubleshooting DSX Suite DSX Overview DSX Definitions DSX Suite Installation DSX Tutorials DSX Release Notes xManager Overview PlanDSX Overview Surface3D Overview Orient3D Overview CalibrateDSX Overview Locate3D Overview X4D Overview
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| add a box to the report graph containing the text. make_text_annotation.png **make_text_annotation** /annotation_name=text1 /page_number=1 /x_pos=1 y_pos=1 /balloon_text=help ! /text_size=normal **;** the top left of the page is location 1,1 the bottom right of the page is location 100,100 this was a hack solution to a problem that has not evolved yet. the user has no control over the size of the box, or the lines/shandows around the box. the graph item does not appear in the combo box to add a new graph, but if the command is executed a graph item appears in the report dialog, but the item can only be deleted from this dialog. changes to the text must be made via a pipeline command.