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Set Data To New Values

This command replaces the following commands:


Pipeline Command

/SIGNAL_TYPES= The type of signal to be processed
/SIGNAL_NAMES= The names of the signals to be processed
/SIGNAL_FOLDER= The name of the signal folder
/SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= The signal components to be modified
/RESULT_SUFFIX= Optional Suffix to Add to the Result Name
/RESULT_FOLDER= The Folder for the Results
/START_FRAME=\ Start Frame
/END_FRAME= End Frame
/EVENT_SEQUENCE=A list of events (separated by “+” signs). For example, LHS+RTO
/EXCLUDE_EVENTS=Exclude Sequences containing these Events.
/USE_POINT_RATE= (true or false) Explicitly uses the motion capture point rate.
/REPLACEMENT_VALUES= The new signal value at each frame
/THRESHOLD_HIGH= Optional. Replace only if signal values is greater that this threshold
/THRESHOLD_LOW= Optional. Replace only if signal values is greater that this threshold


Set the frames of data from start_frame to end_frame and/or from Start Event to End Event.

If a TARGET signal is set to DATA_NOT_FOUND, all components of the signal are set to DATA_NOT_FOUND.

Replacement_Value, Threshold_High, and Threshold_Low can be Expressions

Example: Using a Metric values as the low threshold


This example could use an expression instead of simply a metric value


Example: Change missing data to zero

Visual3D has a special number which we refer to as DATA_NOT_FOUND.

The actual value used internally is -999999

The following command properties will change every occurrence of DATA_NOT_FOUND to 0


visual3d/documentation/pipeline/signal_commands/set_data_to_new_values.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger