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this example creates a line that is on/off to express when an emg signal is expected to be on/off through the gait cycle (red line in picture on right): | bargraph3.jpg| as a simple example, create a p2d signal representing the frames and on/off values <code> ! make the global workspace active select_active_file /file_name=global ! /query= ; ! create a signal of on/off values evaluate_expression /expression=list(vector(0,1),vector(1,0),vector(2,1),vector(3,0),vector(4,1)) /result_types=p2d /result_folders=bars /result_name=bar1 ! /apply_as_suffix_to_signal_name=false ; </code> the resulting signal is: bargraph1.jpg create a report 2d graph: bargraph2.jpg ====== simple horizontal line ====== |this example is to create a simple horizontal line straight across using p2d signals (purple line in graph on right): | p2d_horizontal_graph.png| create the horizontal line as a p2d signal: <code> evaluate_expression /expression= list ( vector(1,50) , vector(101,50) ) ! /signal_types= ! /signal_folder=original ! /signal_names= /result_types=p2d /result_folders=horizon /result_name=global::fifty ! /apply_as_suffix_to_signal_name=false ; </code> |plot the p2d signal: | \\ p2d_horizontal_graph_definition.png| }}}}}}}}