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Draw horizontal bars on a Report Graph
This is especially useful for creating ON/OFF bars for EMG data. An example of creating a simple horizontal line is provided after this example.
This example creates a line that is ON/OFF to express when an EMG signal is expected to be ON/OFF through the gait cycle (red line in picture on right): | ![]() |
As a simple example, create a P2D signal representing the frames and ON/OFF values
! make the GLOBAL workspace active Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=GLOBAL ! /QUERY= ; ! create a signal of ON/OFF values Evaluate_Expression /EXPRESSION=LIST(VECTOR(0,1),VECTOR(1,0),VECTOR(2,1),VECTOR(3,0),VECTOR(4,1)) /RESULT_TYPES=P2D /RESULT_FOLDERS=BARS /RESULT_NAME=BAR1 ! /APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=FALSE ;
The resulting signal is:
Create a Report 2D Graph:
Simple Horizontal Line
This example is to create a simple horizontal line straight across using P2D signals (purple line in graph on right): | ![]() |
Create the horizontal line as a P2D signal:
visual3d/documentation/reports/2d_horizontal_bar.1719433778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/26 20:29 by sgranger