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Reports Overview

Visual3D creates a Workspace into which all data is stored, models are integrated, and reports are produced. The entire workspace can be saved and shared as a digital report in which all the underlying analysis, data, and models can be accessed.

Every Visual3D workspace includes exactly one report, which is initially blank, and to which you may add any number of distinct pages. In a sense, the entire workspace is itself a kind of extended electronic report, which contains not only the contents of the Reporting page but also all of the original data and records of all data-processing steps.

Every graph in a report can also be exported as an image (jpg, png, gif, bmp, SVG, EMF) or as ASCII data.

Report Template

After you have created a report, you may choose to save a report template file, which saves not only the formal structure of the printed report, but actually the entire structure of the workspace (i.e. everything but the data). Provided you are consistent in using TAGS for the movement trials, you can re-use such templates for many experiments of the same type (e.g., same experimental protocol, multiple subjects).

NOTE: The Report Template contains the Recalc Pipeline.

Generating Reports from a Pipeline

Report templates may also be created using the Make_Line_Graph pipeline command. In conjunction with this command, For_Each loops can be used to create a report template in a few steps.

Before creating a Report Template from a script, it is important to understand that the RECALC pipeline (which saves the COMPUTE_MODEL_BASED_DATA commands) is also saved in the .rgt file (the report template file). An example of how to create a simple report template using a pipeline can be found here.

NOTE: Using this method requires a prior knowledge of writing pipeline scripts, and it is suggested to complete the pipeline tutorials prior to testing this method.

Using TAGS instead of file names

One of the “far reaching” decisions that we made in defining the specifications for the Visual3D reports was to make the graphs very general so that the report templates that store the report format can be applied to any data sets. A consequence of this decision is that it is not possible to use individual file names in a report graph because this would make the template specific to that data set.

Report Layout

Visual3D reports are laid out according to a row/column structure. Each report page can have up to a maximum of 5 rows and 5 columns, and you can specify that certain items span multiple rows or columns. Items which can be included in reports include graphs, tables, graphical representations of metrics (e.g. gait analysis metrics such as step length and cycle time), subject and laboratory information, and bitmap images imported from other programs.


Edit Page Title


In the Page Title Edit Box you can enter a Text String that will be displayed as the Title.

If “Evaluate title as an expression before display” is checked, Visual3D searches for a TEXT_DATA item in the Global Workspace and displays the text data.

For example, create a TEXT_DATA item.

Create_Text_Data /SIGNAL_FOLDER=TEST SIGNAL_NAMES=GLOBAL::TITLE_TEXT /TEXT_DATA=Hello World ; reportpagetitle2.jpg

Search and Replace

At the bottom of the screen are the list of report pages.


Selecting the Search/Replace button allows you to replace event labels and TAGS in the report graphs.


Report Items

There are several types of graphs. The graphs are specified by selecting the graph type from the combo box


Report 2D Graph

Create a line graph


Staggered Graph Item


Subject Information Item


Laboratory Information Item


Temporal Distance Calculations

Create a table containing the temporal distance metrics


Text/Metric Table

create a table containing metrics


Report Image Item


Report Examples

Changing the colors of lines in graphs

Changing the colors of lines in graphs. For example, plot both left and right knee flexion on the same graph but both sets of data should be different colors.

Explicit Settings for Report Graphs

Explicit Settings for Report Graphs

Graph mean and standard deviation from a p2d file

How do I graph the mean and standard deviation from a p2d file?

Adding an annotation at 60% along the x-axis

Adding an annotation at 60% along the x-axis

Adding text to a text/metric table

Adding text to a text/metric table in the report

Create a mean signal that contains data from both the left and right sides

Create a mean signal that contains data from both the left and right sides of the body.

Find the signal that is most representative of a set of signals

Find the signal that is most representative of a set of signals. This implementation is based on the following article: Shadmehr R and Mussa-Ivaldi FA (1994) Adaptive Representation of Dynamics during Learning of a Motor Task. J. Neuroscience 14(5), pp 3208-3224.

Add an Image to a Report

A pipeline example of how to add images to a Visual3d report. The example adds an image from each of three sequential numbered trials with the images position on the page based on the number in the name of the c3d file

visual3d/documentation/reports/reports_overview.1738866759.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/06 18:32 by wikisysop