Manual OpenSim
Visual3D's default export to OpenSim only supports the OpenSim “gait_2392.osim” and “gait_2354.osim” models. This means in Visual3D you must have all the segments required for these models.
It is possible to define your own custom OpenSim model in Visual3D, and export the MOT files by going to “File → Export OpenSim From Data Tree”. However, this process requires an experienced Visual3D and OpenSim user who knows how to create a Visual3D IK that matches the degrees of freedom in their OpenSim model. The user must also be able to read their osim file to determine the names of the data that need to be copied into the Visual3d OPEN_SIM, OPEN_SIM_GRF and Metric::Open_Sim_Scale folders.
A sample data set that can be used with the manual export can be downloaded.
The model in the CMO file is a simple example of the “gait2392_simbody.osim”. To export the MOT files from this CMO, you will need to follow these steps:
- Create an IK chain in Visual3D which matches the degrees of freedom in your .osim file. (ex. OpenSimDemo.cmo)
- Run a script (OpenSim_Manual.v3s) which:
- Copies the Viusal3D's IK output to a new Visual3D folder called OPEN_SIM and also renames the IK signals to match the names of the degrees of freedom in the .osim file.
- Adjusts the COP location to account for any shifting in overall position of the model due to the IK
- Copies the force, COFP and freemoment data to a data to a folder call OPEN_SIM_GRF and uses the names expected in the “Visual3d_SIMM_grf.mot” files.
- Scales the model and writes the scale factors to the Metric::Open_Sim_Scale folder.
- Export the data to OpenSim using “ File → Export Open Sim From Data Tree” to export the data to OpenSim. This will write the data that appears in the OPEN_SIM and OPEN_SIM_GRF folders to files called “Visual3d_SIMM_input.mot” and “Visual3d_SIMM_grf.mot”, and write the Metric::Open_Sim_Scale scale factors to the “Visual3d_Scale_ScaleSet.xml” file.
If all goes correctly this files should be ready for import into OpenSim.