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METRIC Data Type

Metrics are discrete quantitative values of signals such as maximum value, median value, value at a specified frame. In other words, metrics do not have a time-base like the other signals.

Metrics also refer to combinations of other metric values. For example, the metric describing the range of motion of a joint angle during a movement would be the difference between the metric defining the maximum value of the joint angle and the minimum value of the joint angle. The metric describing the time for a step cycle would be the time from Right Heel Strike to Right Heel Strike.

If the mean and standard deviation for the metric are requested, the mean and standard deviation within a trial are computed and displayed in the data tree, and the mean and standard deviation for all active files are computed and stored as a GLOBAL signal.

Pipeline Commands

There are several pipeline commands devoted to metrics, including computing metrics, performing mathematical operations with metrics, generating metrics based on events, and more.

visual3d/documentation/visual3d_signal_types/metric_data_type.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger