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Visual3D Toolbar

The toolbar provides common buttons/tasks that can be done within Visual3D.

Depending on the current tab (Workspace, Signals and Events, Models, Reports, etc.), the toolbar options will change.

Workspace Tab

The following is displayed in the toolbar when selecting the Workspace tab:

Toolbar ButtonFunctionality
New Workspace:
Empties current workspace and creates a new one.
Can also be selected to close files shown in the Active File Combo Box, an alternative method of closing files is to use the pipeline command called File_Close
Open Files:
Opens movement files.
NOTE: Although default mask shows .c3d and .cmz files, this button can also open other file types such as ASCII files.
Save File:
Saves workspace as a .cmz file.
Opens the print dialog box.
Recalculates model and event data, can be pressed when changes are made to signals in order to apply it to the model
Pipeline Workshop:
Opens the pipeline workshop dialog box, more information can be found at the following link: Visual3D Pipeline

Signals And Events Tab

The following is displayed in the toolbar when selecting the Signals and Events tab.

Toolbar ButtonFunctionality
Event Editing:
Manually adjust events: Edit Events (Pencil), Add Events (Plus Sign)
Camera Reset:
Reset the 3D View to the default size.
Force Vector Size:
Adjust the scale of the force vectors in the 3D viewer.
Target Labels:
Turn on/off target labels in 3D viewer.
Turn targets on/off in 3D viewer
Bones: Turn the bones on/off in the 3D viewer. This is a toggle button, so the button loops through the following options:
- Item All Bones On
- Kinetic Bones On
- Kinematic Bones On
- All Bones Off
Segment Geometry: Turn the Segment Geometry on/off in 3D viewer
Segment Lines: Turn Segment Lines on/off
Active File:
Active file defines what file is being processed and what file is displayed in the 3D viewer
Query a set of files
visual3d/getting_started/toolbar.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/10 21:16 by wikisysop