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The required dll's can be downloaded from the downloads page on our website.

  • Optotrack_RT.dll should be save in the Visual3D plugins folder
  • oapi.dll should be placed in the folder containing Visual3D.exe

The Optotrak plugins:

When you download the latest version off our website you get a .zip file that contains 2 directories. Each directory contains a *different* plugin though both are called the same (Optotrack_RT.dll).

The plugin in the directory named TOOLBENCH is the legacy plugin and the only one that can produce the transputer initialize error. We don't recomend using this plugin. This plugin will not work with First Principles and does not support analog data or force plates. I suspect that you are trying to use this plugin.

The plugin in the directory called First Principles is the one that both NDI and C-Motion recommend that you use. To use this plugin make sure that it is in the Visual3D plugin folder. To check what the folder is click on Program Settings→Program Options… on the menu. Select the Default Folders tab and check the Plugin Folder (first line).

To use the First Principles plugin:

  1. Turn on, calibrate and configure using First Principles
  2. Use the spacial view (or any other means) to make sure that markers are visible to First Principles
  3. With First Principles still running…
  4. From Visual3D click on the plugin and enter the IP address of the machine first principles is running on (first principles acts as a proxy between visual3d and the hardware)
  5. At this point you should be able to see data in Visual3D
  6. Visual3D will allow you to buffer and save to a c3d file but if you wish you may also do that from First Princiles.

If you want to check that the First Principles realtime is available from the machine running visual3d open a web browser (internet explorer or firefox work) and type in the following URL:

http://<IP address of FP machine>:3020/


The way you connect the certus hardware to your computer can be either Ethernet (via a PCI card for the 3020) or a USB cable. This is just how you physically plug the Certus into your computer. Thereafter you use NDI's FirstPrinciples software to talk to the Certus. Within FirstPrinciples you specify how you connected (USB, PCI, etc.).

After this point, our plugin talks to FirstPrinciples using an IP address and port number. Our plugin doesn't care how FirstPrinciples talks to the actual hardware.

The port number is always 3020. The IP address depends on your network setup. If you are using the same computer to run FirstPrinciples and Visual3D, then you can use localhost for the IP. You can also use the MS-DOS command line tool 'ipconfig' to determine the actual IP address of your Ethernet card.

visual3d/real_time_streaming/ndi_real-time_streaming.1721158391.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/16 19:33 by sgranger