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Real Time Interface

Introduction to the Visual3D RealTime Interface Tab

Visual3D Real Time interface tab as of March 2022
  • Stream Information:
    • Built-in RT vs External RT
    • Camera Frame Rate
    • Built-In RT Support
    • Use FP Parameters from CalFile
    • Force Platform Zero Baseline
    • Hardware Settings
  • Real Time Pipeline Commands
    • List of available pipeline commands that run in real time
  • Real-Time Graphs
    • 2D/3D Graph Toggle
    • Graph Display Plane
    • Full Screen Display
    • Play Sounds
    • Switch Vertical Axis (+/-)
    • Switch Horizontal Axis (+/-)
    • Frames to Graph
      • Determines how many frames the real-time keeps in the data buffer
      • If you want to plot 10 gait cycles, the number of frames must include enough frames to plot 10 gait cycles
    • Max Frame Gap
    • Define graphs
visual3d/real_time_streaming/real_time_interface.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger