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Marker Markerless Comparison

(work in progress as Manage_Theia3D_Merge is a hidden command in Visual3D that is still being tested before release)

This tutorial demonstrates the merging of Theia3D output c3d files and synchronized c3d files with marker based data.

Demo Files

Download the zip file] containing folder paths and files for this tutorial.

Merge Theia3D Files and Marker based files

The Theia3D signals will be assigned a prefix ML: and a subject tag ML The markers will be assigned a prefix M: and a subject tag M The pair of synchronized files will be merged into one file. The ground reaction force will be assigned to both models (there is a little inside trick here) Difference signals and metrics will be generated and reported. theia3d_tutorial2_1.jpg


The resulting file contains 3 merged c3d files and 2 models theia3d_tutorial2_3.jpg

A collection of report graphs

visual3d/tutorials/knowledge_discovery/marker_markerless_comparison.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger