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Creating Landmarks

This Tutorial page lists the many different ways to create Landmarks within Visual3D.

Landmark Type 1

Creating a landmark at the end of a segment that is tracked with the segment.

Landmark Type 2

Projecting a marker onto a plane.

Landmark Type 3

Projecting a marker onto one of the principal planes of the laboratory.

Landmark Type 4

Projecting a marker onto a line.

Landmark Type 5

Creating a landmark that defines the location of a segment endpoint relative to 3 tracking markers (or landmarks).

Landmark Type 6

Create a landmark relative to a Segment Coordinate System.

Landmark Type 7

Create a landmark relative to the Global Coordinate System (Lab).

Landmark Type 8

Automatically Created Hip Landmarks

Landmarks defining the location of the hip joint center automatically created when the CODA or Helen Hayes Pelvis segment is created.

Functional Joint Landmarks

Calculation of a functional joint requires movement of one segment relative to another segment. The algorithm searches for a point (or for a one degree of freedom joint, an axis) that is stationary relative to the 2 segments (or 2 sets of markers).

Tutorial: Digitizing Pointer Post Processing

Identifying anatomical landmarks without having to place motion capture markers at the location using a digitizing pointer.

visual3d/tutorials/modeling/creating_landmarks.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger