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IOR Gait Full Body Model

This tutorial explains how to implement the IOR Full Body Model in Visual3D.
The IOR Full Body Model is a combination of the IOR Multi-Segment Trunk, and the IOR Lower Extremity Model.
The naming convention in this tutorial follows Serge Van Sint Jan's convention.


Sample files may be downloaded here.
The zip file contains:

  1. C3D files which you can use to follow along with the tutorial
  2. A model template which contains the landmark & segment definitions
  3. A script which contains the planar & joint angle definitions
  4. A report template which plots the relevant kinematics (joint angles & planar angles)
  5. A completed CMO file

Target Placement

LCAJ/RCAJ (LA/RA): Left/Right acromion
SJN (IJ): Deepest point of the incisura jugularis
SXS (PX): Xiphoid process, i.e. most caudal point of the sternum
CV7 (C7): Spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebrae
TV2 (T2): Second thoracic vertebrae
TV7 (MAI): Midpoint between the inferior angles of the most caudal points of the two scapulae
LV1, LV3, LV5 (L1, L3, L5): First, third and fifth lumbar vertebrae
LIAS/RIAS (LASIS/RASIS): Left/Right anterior superior iliac spine
LIPS/RIPS (LPSIS/RPSIS): Left/Right posterior superior iliac spine
LFTC/RFTC (LGT/RGT): Most lateral prominence of the greater trochanter
LFLE/RFLE (LLE/RLE): Most medial prominence of the medial femoral epicondyle
LFME/RFME (LME/RME): Most medial prominence of the medial femoral epicondyle
LFAX/RFAX (LHF/RHF): Proximal tip of the head of the fibula
LTTC/RTTC (TT/RTT): Most anterior border of the tibial tuberosity
LFAL/RFAL (LLM/RLM): Lateral prominence of the lateral malleolus
LTAM/RTAM (LMM/RMM): Most medial prominence of the medial malleolus
LFCC/RFCC (LCA/RCA): Aspect of the Achilles tendon insertion on the calcaneus
LFM1/RFM1 (LFM/RFM): Dorsal margin of the first metatarsal head
LFM2/RFM2 (LSM/RSM): Dorsal aspect of the second metatarsal head
LFM5/RFM5 (LVM/RVM): Dorsal margin of the fifth metatarsal head

Segment Definitions


The pelvis segment coordinate system is consistent with the CODA pelvis, from which the Left and Right Hip Joint centers are automatically created.

LIAS/RIAS (LASIS/RASIS): Left/Right anterior superior iliac spine
LIPS/RIPS (LPSIS/RPSIS): Left/Right posterior superior iliac spine

Pelvis Landmarks

1. Create SCRM:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: SCRM
    • Landmark Name: SCRM
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: RIPS
    • Ending Point: LIPS
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.5
  5. Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Check: Calibration Only Landmark

Pelvis Definition

2. Create Pelvis Segment:

  1. In the Segments tab, select Pelvis in the Segment Name box
  2. In Segment Type, select CODA
  3. Click on the Create Segment button
  4. In the Pelvis dialog:
    • Define Calibration Targets
    • R.ASIS: RIAS
    • L.ASIS: LIAS
    • R.PSIS: RIPS
    • L.PSIS: LIPS
    • Select Tracking Targets:
    • Check: Use Calibration Signals for Tracking
  5. Clost CODA Segment Markers dialog box
  6. Click on Build Model
  7. Click on Close Tab before proceeding

lfmshanksegmentorientation.jpg 3. Modify the Segment Coordinate System

  • Define the Segment Orientation as:
    • A/P Axis: +X
    • Distal to Proximal: +Y

Thorax Segment

This marker set is consistent with the Rizzoli Gait model and the ISB recommendations.

LCAJ/RCAJ (LAR/RA): Left/Right acromion
SJN (IJ): Deepest point of the incisura jugularis
SXS (PX): Xiphoid process, i.e. most caudal point of the sternum
C7V (C7): Spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebrae
TV2 (T2): Second thoracic vertebrae
TV7 (MAI): Midpoint between the inferior angles of the most caudal points of the two scapulae

Thorax Definition

4. Create Thorax/Ab:

  1. In the Segments tab, select Thorax/Ab in the Segment Name box.
  2. Click Kinematic Only
  3. Click on the Create Segment button
  4. In the Thorax/Ab tab, enter these values:
    • Define Proximal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: None Joint: TV2 Medial: None
    • Radius 0.5*DISTANCE(RCAJ,LCAJ)
    • Define Distal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: None Joint: TV7 Medial: None
    • Radius: 0.5*DISTANCE(RCAJ,LCAJ)
    • Extra Target to Define Orientation
    • Location: Anterior SXS
    • Select Tracking Targets:
    • SJN, SXS, TV2, TV7
    • Set Depth(Meters) to 0.1
  5. Click on Build Model
  6. Click on Close Tab before proceeding.

lfmshanksegmentorientation.jpg 5. Modify the Segment Coordinate System

  • Define the Segment Orientation as:
  • A/P Axis: +X
  • Distal to Proximal: +Y

Change the graphic:

Model File: thoraciccervicleacromiumtot12.v3g

Thigh Segment

The RIGHT_HIP/LEFT_HIP landmarks are used to define the thigh segments. These landmarks are created automatically when the Pelvis segment is defined (so the Pelvis must be defined prior to creating the thigh segments).

LFTC/RFTC (LGT/RGT): Most Lateral prominence of the greater trochanter
LFKE/RFLE (LLE/RLE): Most lateral prominence of the lateral femoral epicondyle
LFME/RFME (LME/RME): Most medial prominence of the medial femoral epicondyle

Thigh Definition

6. Create Right Thigh:

  1. In the Segments tab, select Right Thigh in the Segment Name box
  2. Click on the Create Segment button
  3. In the Right Thigh tab, enter these values:
    • Define Proximal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: None Joint RIGHT_HIP Medial: None
    • Define Distal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: RFLE Joint: None Medial: RFME
    • Select Tracking Targets:
  4. Click on Build Model
  5. Click on Close Tab before proceeding

Shank Segment

The segment coordinate system is different from the conventional gait model because the shank segment is designed according to markers located on the tibia and fibula, not the femur as with the Conventional Gait Model

LFAX/RFAX (LHF/RHF): Proximal tip of the head of the fibula
LTTC/RTTC (TT/RTT): Most anterior border of the tibial tuberosity
LFAL/RFAL (LLM/RLM): Lateral prominence of the lateral malleolus
LTAM/RTAM (LMM/RMM): Most medial prominence of the medial malleolus

Shank Landmarks

7. Create RKNE Joint Center:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RKNE
    • Landmark Name: RKNE
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: RFLE
    • Ending Point: RFME
  4. Offset Using the Following AXIAL Offset: 0.5
  5. Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Check: Calibration Only Landmark

8. Create RANK Joint Center:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RANK
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: RFAL
    • Ending Point: RTAM
  4. Offset Using the Following AXIAL Offset: 0.5
  5. Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Check: Calibration Only Landmark

9. Create RTTC_PROJ:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RTTC_PROJ
    • Landmark Name: RTTC_PROJ
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: RFAX
    • Ending Point: RFAL
    • Lateral Object: RTAM
    • Project From: RTTC
  4. Do Not Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  5. Check: Calibration Only Landmark

10. Create RSK_PROX:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RSK_PROX
    • Landmark Name: RSK_PROX
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: RANK
    • Ending Point: RTTC_PROJ
    • Lateral Object: Leave Blank
    • Project From: RKNE
  4. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  5. Check: Calibration Only Landmark

Shank Definition

11. Create Right Shank:

  1. In the Segments tab, select Right Shank in the Segment Name box
  2. Click on the Create Segment button
  3. In the Right Shank tab, enter these values:
    • Define Proximal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: None Joint: RSK_PROX Medial: None
    • Radius: 0.5*DISTANCE(RFLE,RFME)
    • Define Distal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: RFAL Joint: None Medial: RTAM
    • Select Tracking Targets:

12. Modify the Segment Coordinate System:

  • Define the Segment Orientation as:
  • A/P Axis: +X
  • Distal to Proximal: +Y

Foot Segment

The foot segment coordinate system is consistent with some version of the Conventional Gait Model. The foot segment is created using the RANK/LANK landmarks which are described in the Shank Landmarks section

LFAL/RFAL (LLM/RLM): Lateral prominence of the lateral malleolus
LTAM/RTAM (LMM/RMM): Most medial prominence of the medial malleolus
LFCC/RFCC (LCA/RCA): Aspect of the achilles tendon insertion on the calcaneous
LFM1/RFM1 (LFM/RFM): Dorsal margin of the first metatarsal head
LFM2/RFM2 (LSM/RSM): Dorsal aspect of the second metatarsal head
LEFM5/RFM5 (LVM/RVM): Dorsal margin of the fifth metatarsal head

Kinetic Foot

13. Create Right Foot:

  1. In the Segments tab, select the Right Foot in the Segment Name box
  2. Click on the Create Segment button
  3. In the Right Foot tab, enter these values:
    • Define Proximal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: None Joint: RANK Medial: None
    • Radius: 0.5*DISTANCE(RFAL,RTAM)
    • Define Distal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral: RFM5 Joint: None Medial: RFM1
    • Select Tracking Targets:
    • RFCC, RFM1, RFM2, RFM5
  4. Click on the Build Model
  5. Click on Close Tab before proceeding

lfmshanksegmentorientation.jpg 14. Modify the Segment Coordinate System:

  • Define the Segment Orientation as:
    • A/P Axis: +X
    • Distal to Proximal: +Y

Kinematic Foot Landmarks

15. Create RFT_DIRT:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RFT_DIST
    • Landmark Name: RFT_DIST
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: RFCC
    • Ending Point: RFM5
    • Lateral Object: RFM1
    • Project From: RFM2
  4. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  5. Check: Calibration Only Landmark

Kinematic Foot Definition

16. Create Right Virtual Foot:

  1. In the Segments tab, type Right Virtual Foot int the Segment Name box
  2. Check the Kinematic Only Check Box
  3. Click on the Create Segment button
  4. in the Right Virtual Foot tab, enter these values:
    • Define Proximal Joint and Radius
    • Lateral None Joint: RFCC Medial: None
    • Radius: 0.1
    • Define Distal Joint Radius
    • Lateral: RFM5 Joint:RFT_DIST Medial: None
    • Select Tracking Targets:
    • RFCC, RFM1, RFM2, RFM5

17. Modify the Segment Coordinate System:

  • Define the Segment Orientation as:
    • A/P Axis: +Y
    • Distal to Proximal: -X

Virtual Lab

Virtual Lab Landmarks

18. Create Lab_Origin:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: Lab_Origin
    • Landmark Name: Lab_Origin
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark

19. Create Lab_AX:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: Lab_Origin
    • Landmark Name: Lab_AX
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.1
  5. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark

20. Create Lab_ML:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: Lab_ML
    • Landmark Name: Lab_ML
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.1 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark

21. Create Lab_ML:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: Lab_ML
    • Landmark Name: Lab_ML
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.1 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Do Not Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark

22. Create Pel_ML:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: Pel_ML
    • Landmark NameL Pel_ML
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: Lab_Origin
    • Existing Segment: Pelvis
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.1 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark

23. Create Pel_ML_Proj:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: Pel_ML_Proj
    • Landmark Name: Pel_ML_Proj
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: Lab_Origin
    • Ending Point: Lab_ML
    • Project Point: Pel_ML
  4. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  5. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark

24. Create VLab_ML:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: VLab_ML
    • Landmark Name: VLab_ML
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: Lab_Origin
    • Ending Point: Lab_ML
    • Project Point: Pel_ML_Proj
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • AXIAL: 0.1
  5. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark

Planar Angles

To calculate the orientation of the trunk segments, planar angles are calculated to determine the orientation of the various segments relative to one another. To calculate a planar angle, you need to either reference the ORIGINAL or PROCESSED folder when defining a target. If your targets have not been filtered or interpolated, you will not have a processed folder and will need to use the ORIGINAL. However, if you plan to process your target data in any way, you should do this now, prior to creating you planar angles.
This image was taken from the Multi-Segment trunk paper
The following abbreviations are used in naming the planar angles

  • FE Flexion/Extension
  • LB Lateral Bending
  • AR Axial Rotation

Spine FE & LB Landmarks

25. Create RPV_AX:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RPV_AX
    • Landmark Name: RPV_AX
    • Define Orientation Using:
    • Starting Point: LV5
  4. Offset Using the Following ML\AP\AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 Z: -0.05
  5. Do NOT Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%) (Meters when not checked)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark (Not generated for assigned motion file(s))

FE Planar Angles

Below defines the orientation (flexion/extension) of the adjoining spine segments resolved in the pelvis coordinate system
NOTE: For the FE Planar Angles, the same definitions for the angles are used for both the left & right side. This means the different sets of signals do not need to be created for the left and right sides (as with the LB and AR planar angles).
NOTE-2: To access these dialogs, you need to edit a command pipeline, the "Compute_Planar_Angle" pipeline command.

Spine FE Definitions

26. Create Sp5_sp4_FE Planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: Sp5_Sp4_FE
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plane: XY
    • Note: The Reference segment will need to be changed to RPV within the text option.

27. Create Sp4_Sp3_FE planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: Sp4_Sp3_FE
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plane: XY
    • Note: The reference segment will need to be changed to RPV within the text option

28. Create Sp3_Sp2_FE planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: Sp3_Sp2_FE
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plane: XY
    • Note: The reference segment will need to be changed to RPV within the text option

29. Create Sp2_Sp1_FE planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: Sp2_Sp1_FE
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plane: XY
    • Note: The reference segment will need to changed to RPV within the text option.

30. Create Sp1_Pel_FE planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: Sp2_Sp1_FE
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plane: XY
    • Note: The reference segment will need to be changed to RPV within the text option.

Shoulder LB

Below defines the orientation of the line between the shoulder targets (LCAJ/RCAJ) relative to the trunk segment

Shoulder LB & AR Landmarks

31. Create RTA_OR:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RTA_OR
    • Landmark Name: RTA_OR
    • Existing Segment: Thorax/Ab
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%) (Meters when not checked)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark (Not generated for assigned motion file(s))

32. Create RTA_ML:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RTA_ML
    • Landmark Name: RTA_ML
    • Existing Segment: THORAX/Ab
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%) (Meters when not checked)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark (Not generated for assigned motion file(s))

Shoulder LB & AR Definitions

33. Create RSh_Th_LB planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: RSh_Th_LB
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plan: YZ
    • NOTE: The reference segment will need to be changed to RTA within the text options.

34. Create LSh_Th_LB planar angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Angle Direction: Right Hand Rule

35. Create RSh_Th_AR planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: RSh_Th_AR
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plane: XZ
    • Note: The reference segment will need to be changed to RTA within the text option

36. Create LSh_Th_AR planar angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Angle Direction: Right Hand Rule



Below defines the translation of the shoulder targets (LCAJ/RCAJ) in the trunk coordinate system

Shoulder Translation Definitions

37. Define RA_Tho_Transl:

  1. Open the Compute Model Based dialog
  2. Select TARGET_PATH from drop down list
    • Date Name: RA_Tho_Transl
    • Target: RCAJ
    • Reference Segment: Thorax/Ab
    • Resolution Coordinate System: Thorax/Ab

38. Define LA_Tho_Transl:

  • When defining the left signal, use the same definitions except set:
    • Target: LCAJ

Joint Angles

The Tho_Pel and Tho_Lab angles are described here, while the lower extremity joint angles were created based on the segment coordinate systems described here

Joint Angle Definitions

39. Define the RTho_Pel_Angle:

  1. Open the Compute Model Based dialog
  2. Select JOINT_ANGLE from drop down list
    • Data Name: RTho_Pel_Angle
    • Segment: Thorax/Ab
    • Reference Segment: Pelvis
    • Cardan Sequence: Z-X-Y
  3. Use Negative:

40. Define LTho_Pel_Angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Use Negative
      • X: FALSE Y: TRUE Z: TRUE

41. Define the RTho_Lab_Angle:

  1. Open the Compute Model Based dialog
  2. Select JOINT_ANGLE from the drop down list
    • Data Name: RTho_Lab_Angle
    • Segment: RThorax/Ab
    • Reference Segment: VLab
    • Carden Sequence: Z-X-Y
  3. Use Negative:

42. Define LTho_Lab_Angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Use Negative:
      • X: FALSE Y: TRUE Z: TRUE

43. Define the RHip_Angle:

  1. Open the Compute Model Based dialog
  2. Select JOINT_ANGLE from drop down list
    • Date Name: RHip_Angle
    • Segment: Right Thigh
    • Reference Segment: Pelvis
    • Carden Sequence: Z-X-Y
  3. Use Negative:

44. Define LHip_Angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Segment: Left Thigh
    • Use Negative:
      • X: TRUE Y: TRUE Z: FALSE

45. Define the RKnee_Angle:

  1. Open the Compute Model Based dialog
  2. Select JOINT_ANGLE from drop down list
    • Data Name: RKnee_Angle
    • Segment: Right Shank
    • Reference Segment: Right Thigh
    • Cardan Sequence: Z-X-Y
  3. Use Negative:

46. Define LKnee_Angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Segment: Left Shank
    • Reference Segment: Left Thigh
      • Use Negative:
        • X: TRUE Y: TRUE Z: TRUE

47. Define the RKnee_Angle:

  1. Open the Compute Model Based dialog
  2. Select JOINT_ANGLE from drop down list
    • Data Name: RAnkle_Angle
    • Segment: Right Virtual Foot
    • Reference Segment: Right Shank
    • Cardan Sequence: Z-X-Y
  3. Use Negative:

48. Define LAnkle_Angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use the same definitions except set:
    • Segment: Left Virtual Foot
    • Reference Segment: Left Shank
    • Use Negative:
      • X: TRUE Y: TRUE Z: FALSE

IOR Multi-Segment Foot Model

detailed tutorial focusing on the IOR Multi-Segment Foot Model.

visual3d/tutorials/modeling/ior_gait_full_body_model.1732722326.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/27 15:45 by wikisysop