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IOR Gait Shoulder Orientation and Translation

This tutorial is a continuation of the IOR Gait Full Body Tutorial. This tutorial goes through computing the orientation and the translation of the shoulder targets relative to the trunk segment.

Shoulder LB

Below defines the orientation of the line between the shoulder targets (LCAJ/RCAJ) relative to the trunk segment

Shoulder LB & AR Landmarks

1. Create RTA_OR:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RTA_OR
    • Landmark Name: RTA_OR
    • Existing Segment: Thorax/Ab
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%) (Meters when not checked)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark (Not generated for assigned motion file(s))

2. Create RTA_ML:

  1. Click Landmarks button
  2. Click Add New Landmark button
  3. Create Landmark: RTA_ML
    • Landmark Name: RTA_ML
    • Existing Segment: THORAX/Ab
  4. Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:
    • X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0
  5. Check: Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%) (Meters when not checked)
  6. Do NOT Check: Calibration Only Landmark (Not generated for assigned motion file(s))

Shoulder LB & AR Definitions

3. Create RSh_Th_LB planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: RSh_Th_LB
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plan: YZ
    • NOTE: The reference segment will need to be changed to RTA within the text options.

4. Create LSh_Th_LB planar angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Angle Direction: Right Hand Rule

5. Create RSh_Th_AR planar angle:

  1. Define Resulting Signal Name: RSh_Th_AR
  2. Calculate a 4 point angle between the following targets:
    • Angle Direction: Left Hand Rule
    • 3D Space: Always 0 to 180 degrees
    • Projected onto Plane: XZ
    • Note: The reference segment will need to be changed to RTA within the text option

6. Create LSh_Th_AR planar angle:

  • When defining the left signal, use same definitions except set:
    • Angle Direction: Right Hand Rule


Below defines the translation of the shoulder targets (LCAJ/RCAJ) in the trunk coordinate system

Shoulder Translation Definitions

7. Define RA_Tho_Transl:

  1. Open the Compute Model Based dialog
  2. Select TARGET_PATH from drop down list
    • Date Name: RA_Tho_Transl
    • Target: RCAJ
    • Reference Segment: Thorax/Ab
    • Resolution Coordinate System: Thorax/Ab

8. Define LA_Tho_Transl:

  • When defining the left signal, use the same definitions except set:
    • Target: LCAJ
visual3d/tutorials/modeling/ior_gait_shoulder_orientation_and_translation.1732824149.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/28 20:02 by wikisysop