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the sample files can be downloaded here.]] * data: * sub 01 cmz * sub 02 cmz * sub 03 cmz * scripts: * tag.v3s (example script that can be used to tag the files) * tag_loop.v3s (example script that can be used to tag the files using a for_each loop) * overlay.v3s (example script that can be used to overlay the report template with another subject) * overlay_loop.v3s (example script that can be used to overlay the report template with another subject using a for_each loop) * report templates: * report_template_all_files.rgt * report_template_sub_01.rgt ====== prepare the workspace ====== the first step is to load the data. it's recommended that you use the cmo library to view multiple cmz files at once. many users simply choose to do a file -> open if they're viewing two small files. this option works for smaller data sets, but it's really recommended to use the cmo library instead. ==== view files using the cmz library ==== - **cmo library -> set cmo library path** - select **..comparing data sets\data folder** - click **ok** - **cmo library -> browse cmo library** - select **yes** [[visual3d:documentation:definitions:cmo_library_#load_the_cmo_library|more detailed instructions to load the cmo library can be found here]]. ====== tag files ====== |**once the data is loaded in the workspace, create three tags:**\\ \\ ****\\ \\ - sub_01\\ - sub_02\\ - **sub_03** | comparedatasets_tags.png | **there are a few ways to create tags:** (choose one method of the following) - [[visual3d:documentation:definitions:tag#creating_tags:|manually add tags]] to the files or use the pipeline. - use the [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:file_commands:assign_tags_to_file|assign_tags_to_file]] command to assign tags to subjects based on the filename. this can be done using the provided **tag.v3s file**. - using the [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:pipeline_commands:for_each_and_end_for_each|for_each]] command, you can loop over all the subjects in your workspace to create individual tags for them. this can be done using the provided **tag_loop.v3s file**. ====== graph data ====== once the data has been loaded and tagged, create a report template that plots the data. ==== 1. change report template to plot sub_01 tag ==== a. **open a report template** that plots the signals you are interested in viewing (ex. open provided **report_template_all_files.rgt**) b. change the tag from all_files (or whatever you're currently plotting) to one of the tags you want to plot (ex. sub_01) and set the line color to the same for both the right and left sides. a. **search/replace**: |a1. old file tag: **all_files**\\ \\ a2. new file tag: **sub_01**\\ \\ a3. click **"add>>"**\\ \\ a4. old line color: **#109900**\\ \\ a5. new line color: **purple**\\ \\ a6. click **"add>>"**\\ \\ a7. old line color: **#990000**\\ \\ a8. new line color: **purple**\\ \\ a9. click **"add>>"**\\ \\ a10. select **"entire report"**\\ \\ a11. click **"replace"** | comparedatasets_searchreplace.png | d. **save report template** (ex. report_template_sub_01.rgt) ==== 2. overlay other subject's data ==== **the step to overlay the subject data can be done manually (as described below), or using the pipeline** (ex. provided scripts from download overlay.v3s or overlay_loop.v3s). a. overlay sub_02 on top of sub_01 a. **overlay report**: |a1. page no: all_pages\\ \\ a2. identifier type: tag_name\\ \\ a3. identifier value: sub_01\\ \\ a4. new tag: sub_02\\ \\ a5. new color: blue | comparedatasets_overlay.png | b. overlay sub_03 on top of sub_01 a. **overlay report**: a1. page no: **all_pages** a2. identifier type: **tag_name** a3. identifier value: **sub_01** a4. new tag: **sub_03** a5. new color: **cyan** c. display the tag name in the legend of the report }}}}

visual3d/tutorials/reports/comparing_data_sets.1718804387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 13:39 by sgranger