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Release Notes



Inspect3D v2023.08.22 Release Notes:
* [Enhancement] Usability improvements to the Build CMZ and Metadata dialogs.
* [Enhancement] Improved feedback to users for Auto-populated Queries.
* [Bug] Fixed bugs related to selecting and excluding data from the Queried Data subwindow.
* [Bug] Fixed bug where the Excluded Data style would not be applied.
* [Bug] Fixed bug where SSL support was not available for license activation/deactivation.
Inspect3D v2023.08.08 Release Notes:
* [Enhancement] Rebuilt animation widget to ensure compatibility with modern OpenGL.
* [Enhancement] Rebuilt video display widget to enable future feature development.
* [Enhancement] CMZ Builder provides the user with a simple method to create workspaces for large datasets and utilizes a metadata spreadsheet for specifying height/weight and other useful metrics.
* [Enhancement] Allow query refinements to use global data/metadata.
* [Enhancement] Automatic Query Builder dialog now allows users to save a load settings.
* [Enhancement] Exporting graphs: it is now possible to export all Queried Data graphs as a single image.
* [Enhancement] New user interface to load and query a library upon application open.
* [Bug] The Run External Scripts feature did not correctly select traces from the library. As this was caused by incompatible library representations between Inspect3D and the Visual3D Engine, this feature has been removed until it can be properly reintroduced.
* [Bug] Fixed automatic query builder when building queries for Kinetic_Kinematic signals.
* [Bug] Fixed user colour assignment for plotting intermediate events to Queried Data graphs.
* [Bug] Fixed bug that caused calculated results from the QA using PCA features not to display to the user.
* [Bug] Fixed option to exclude a given trace across all queries.
* [Bug] Fixed bug where user could clear the workspace while running commands against that workspace.
* [Bug] Fixed bug where highlighting all data would not propagate as expected across all plots.
* [Bug] Fixed bug in the dialog for defining groups with tags and refinements.
Inspect3D v2023.03.06 Release Notes:
* [Bug] Bug fix when updating force assignments.
Inspect3D v2023.03.01 Release Notes:
* [Bug] Single subject data was not being queried properly due to multi subject implementation.
* [Bug] Data can now be queried using a combination of tags and multiple refinements.
Inspect3D v2023.01.31 Release Notes:
* [Enhancement] Load multisubject CMZ files into Inspect3D. The subject prefixes in signal names are appropriately parsed and displayed in the Queried Data window.
* [Enhancement] Add and reposition legends for plots in the Queried Data window.
* [Enhancement] Users can now auto-scale axis limits on a per-graph basis.
* [Bug] The PC Reconstruction subwindow now produces a tooltip describing the nearest data point.


Inspect3D v2022.11.17 Release Notes:
* [Enhancement] Load Inspect3D workspace when double clicking file from windows explorer
* [Enhancement] Exporting text files: XML file to allow user to export multiple text files at once
* [Enhancement] Option to specify color maps from XML file
* [Bug] Updating force assignments in CMZ files when using signals collected at analog rate
Inspect3D v2022.01.26 Release Notes:
* [Bug] Fix licensing issues
Inspect3D v2022.01.24 Release Notes:
* [Bug] For when using “AND” logic when defining a group
* [Enhancement] Copy and Reflect functionality when defining groups/subgroups


Inspect3D v2021.11.29 Release Notes:
* [Enhancement] When querying Metric or Text data, Refinements were not used
* [Enhancement] When selecting a Sub-Group in the main window, only the raw Sub-Group data is plotted
* [Bug] Dialog for adding queries was not working as expected
Inspect3D v2021.11.18 Release Notes:
* [Bug] Recent bug prevented selecting the option to modify the color/line properties for Groups
* [Bug] Long standing bug that prevented Subject Scores from being plotted if the line style was “Workspace”
Inspect3D v2021.10.21 Release Notes:
* Change in naming convention in interface:
* Queries or Groups are now called Groups
* Conditions are now called Sub- Groups
* Clicking on a sub-group in the main dialog will now show only data for that sub-group
* Excluding data:
* You can now right click on a workspace/trial in the main Workspace tree control and exclude a signal from there
* Query Definition/Group Definition Dialog:
* Update to dialog to make it easier to manually define groups
* Auto-Populate Groups option to auto-build custom queries
Inspect3D v2021.07.22 Release Notes:
* Manual refinement option when defining group to allow complete customization
* Define a query the same way you do in Visual3D using the Expressions


Inspect3D v2020.09.18 Release Notes:
* Metric Export:
* Option to calculate metrics off normalized signals, or original raw signal
* Properly handle data not found in metric calculations
* When exporting to default text updated headers (described below)\\

Export Headers for Standard ASCII Export:

Row 1:Group Subject All Instances
Row 2:CMO Library Path CMO Name C3D Name
Row 3:Group_Mean/Min_Mean…Subj_Mean/Min_Mean…SignalName_Frames
Row 5:Group Name
Row 6:Signal Component(s)
Inspect3D v2020.09.08 Release Notes:
* OpenGL fixes when frames have missing data points
* Normalization:
* Allow user to specify spline (cubic or linear)
* Change default spline from linear to cubic to match Visual3D default normalization
* Don't normalize Metric or P2D items
* Don't plot standard deviation band if there is no standard deviation (i.e. one subject)
* Text Export:
* Export metric items from CMZ
* Export PCA extreme plots (+/- 1 SD and 5/95%)
* Modify header names when exporting signals to standard ASCII (see below):

Export Headers for Standard ASCII Export:

Row 1:Group Subject “Raw” “Raw Events”“Raw Original” “Raw Events Original”
Row 2:CMO Library Path CMO Name C3D Name C3D Name C3D Name C3D Name
Row 3:Group_Mean/Std_Dev Subj_Mean/Std_DevSignalName_FramesEventName SignalName_Frames EventName
Row 4:P2D P2D P2D/Metric Events Derived/Metric/P2DEvent_Frames
Row 5:Group Name
Row 6:Signal Component(s)
other/inspect3d/documentation/release_notes.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/10 19:57 by wikisysop