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Here you will find a listing of the Visual3D command categories, each with links to a full list of commands.

File Commands

A list of all commands are found here: File Commands

File commands are used on any files within the workspace or referenced by the pipeline. file commands are organized based on three categories:

  • File Open/Import:Commands for opening data files and command for importing signals into existing data files.
  • File Save/Export: Commands for saving the Visual3D Workspace and commands for exporting c3d files and signals.

Event Commands

A list of all commands are found here: Event Commands

Event commands are used in the Visual3D pipeline to identify and manage signal events in your data. Event commands are separated into two categories:

  • Event Management: Commands for managing events, such as renaming, copying, deleting, etc.

Force Commands

A list of all commands can be found here: Force Commands

Force commands are used in the Visual3D pipeline to process force signals from c3d files. Force commands are separated into four categories:

Metric Commands

A list of all commands can be found here: Metric Commands

Metric commands are used in the Visual3D pipeline to calculate, compute, and find discrete quantitative values, known as metrics. These commands are separated into four categories:

Signal Commands

A list of all commands can be found here: Signal Commands

Signal commands can be used in the Visual3D pipeline on all signal types (eg., forces, linke_model_based, etc.), when specified in the command. Signal commands are separated into four main categories:

Model Commands

A list of all commands can be found here: Model Commands

Model commands are used to build and modify models applied to c3d motion files. Model commands are separated into three main categories:

Real Time Commands

A list of all commands can be found here: Real Time Commands

Report Commands

A list of all commands can be found here: Report Commands

Report commands are used to control the 'Reports' page in the Visual3D workspace. Report commands are separated into three main categories:

Pipeline Control Commands

A list of all commands can be found here: Pipeline Control Commands

Pipeline control commands mainly use parameters to store multiple text strings or numerical values, making it easy to loop through different signals or files for a series of commands. These control commands set, prompt, and read parameters for easy pipeline control.

Model Based Data Computation

The command Compute_Model_Based_Data will compute a signal using a model's segment, Kinetic_Kinematic data. Details and examples of this command can be found here: Compute_Model_Based_Data

Other Commands

A full list of miscellaneous commands can be found here: Other Commands

Meta Commands

A meta-command is a Visual3D pipeline into which Parameters can be passed. The meta-command should be stored in a folder labeled Meta-Commands, which is located in the Visual3D Plugins Folder. The header in the meta-command defines the data that should be passed. For more details and examples, see here: Meta Commands.


Visual3D has a modest scripting language that allows automated processing of data. Using scripts, custom data processing (that is not available through the graphical user interface) has been implemented for selected customers. These are placed in the Plugins folder in Visual3D's program files. More details about Plugins are found here: Pipeline Commands:Plugins

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/general_information/pipeline_commands_reference.1719433589.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/26 20:26 by sgranger