Set Subject Height
Set the height of the subject (m). If no LINK_MODEL (Calibration File) is specified, the current model is used. If no Height is specified, a dialog pops up.
Set_Subject_Height /Calibration_File= The name of the link model (standing trial) /Height= Height ;
If the model is a hybrid model, the Height parameter can be an expression (e.g. a Model Metric). In this example, the user enters the Height of the subject in inches using a pipeline parameter. This will be converted to meters for the model in the Set_Subject_Height command.
Prompt_For_Pipeline_Parameter_Value /PIPELINE_PARAMETER_NAME= HEIGHT /PROMPT= Enter the Height of the Subject in inches /DATA_TYPE=STRING /DEFAULT_VALUE=60 ; Set_Subject_Height /Calibration_File= /Height= ::HEIGHT/39.4 ;
visual3d/documentation/pipeline/model_commands/set_subject_height.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:46 by sgranger