Table of Contents
Vicon Overview
Vicon Tarsus Streaming
Using Vicon IQ/Workstation and Visual 3D on the same machine.
Start Tarsus and load or create labelled marker data in which to stream.
In Visual 3D, create model from streaming data (Model menu, Create submenu), select your Vicon_RT plugin.
For the IP address, use the localhost IP address ( This is the IP address of the local machine relative to itself. If this works it means you were using a bad IP address before. If this doesn't work, then there is a problem with some part of the streaming software.
Checking the Version Info Request
Navigate to the folder containing the Visual3D plugins
Right click Vicon_RT.dll. Select properties from the menu.
If the property sheet has a Version tab, select it and note the version number you are using (probably If there is no Version tab on the property sheet, you are running version 1.x of the plugin.
Version of Vicon IQ and Tarsus
For Vicon IQ, just look under the Help menu, About Vicon iQ. There might also be a build number and a rev number.
For Tarsus version info, at the file Tarsus.txt found at C:\Program Files\Vicon\ViconiQ 2.5\Tarsus
(if you're using an older version of IQ, the path may be different).
C3D to Vicon's Polygon
This is an area in which C-Motion and VICON agree to disagree.
A few Visual3D customers have requested that we export C3D files containing information pertinent to Polygon. If it weren't for these requests from our customers, we would not have done this because we do not approve of putting PROCESSED data into the C3D file.
POLYGON requires additional information than that contained in a typical C3D file. Visual3D exports LINK_MODEL_BASED signals, and context dependent EVENT LABELS to POLYGON allowing Kinematic and Kinetic data to be reported in POLYGON. Animating objects in POLYGON requires additional data and an additional file to be created by Visual3D. Visual3D, therefore, creates additional landmarks for defining the position and orientation of a segment, and an MKR file defining which wireframe objects are associated with the segments.
Select the following option under the File Menu:
Export –> Export C3D File for Vicon Polygon
or use the Export_Polygon_C3DFile pipeline command.
Vicon Corporation's Workstation software provides an option to add a prefix to all of the marker labels. This causes Visual3D a big problem because Visual3D assumes that markers are named consistently between files, especially between the standing trial and the movement trials. The following commands allows the user to remove the prefix from the marker names.
Guessing the correct FORCE_PLATFORM::ORIGIN
The C3D file format is a public document ( that most hardware vendors currently export. We are only aware of one implementation of the format that has an inconsistency that Visual3D must handle explicitly.
The FORCE_PLATFORM:ORIGIN parameter (within the PARAMETER SECTION of the C3D file) describes the location of the working surface of the force platform relative to the force platform coordinate system. For AMTI force platforms the z-value of the origin should be a negative value. Visual3D can correct this value automatically should it read a positive value.
Should the user not want to have the program correct this value automatically, a dialog is available under the Properties menu item labeled “Use correct FORCE_PLATFORM:ORIGIN vector”. In this dialog the user can select the check box “Perform automatic correction”(the default).