Visual3D CommandLine

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Launching Visual3D & Pipeline Externally

Launching Visual3D from a DOS Command Line (or an external program)

If you have a DOS PATH set to the Visual3D directory you can type


If not, you must specify the full path to Visual3D.

c:\Program Files\Visual3D\Visual3D.exe

Command Line Parameters

Several parameters can be passed to visual studio to execute upon opening:
-s <pipeline path and file name>: This can be used to run a saved pipeline immediately after opening V3d from the command line.

   Visual3D.exe -s "C:\Users\user\Documents\scripts\pipeline.v3s"

-c <Pipeline command>: This can be used to execute a specific pipeline command, unaltered default parameters can be excluded.

   Visual3D.exe -c "File_Open/FILE_NAME=motion_file.c3d;"

-f <Default Folder>: This can be used to set the DefaultDataPath. This parameter can be used three times, subsequent uses define the DefaultModelPath and the DefaultReportPath.

   Visual3D.exe -f "C:\Users\user\Documents\data_folder" -f "C:\Users\user\Documents\model_folder" -f "C:\Users\user\Documents\report_folder"

/CalTesterStandalone: This specifies that Visual3D should be launched in a simple, CalTester only mode.

   Visual3D.exe /CalTesterStandalone

/HideProtocols: This specifies that the pop up command wizard should not be shown (This is usually default setting)

   Visual3D.exe /HideProtocols
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