Statistics Example 1

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This example will time normalize a signal (in this case Knee Flexion Angle) between events (RHS to RHS) for Right Knee angles and (LHS to LHS) for Left Knee angles, and compute a GLOBAL mean and Standard Deviation. A meta-command will be used.

Add the Global_Normalized_Signal_Mean command to the pipeline. Double click on the command to launch the dialog.

Select the RKNEE_ANGLE Signal and the event sequence (e.g RHS to RHS) and select Add A New Signal

Select the LKNEE_ANGLE Signal and the event sequence (e.g LHS to LHS) and select Add A New Signal

Enter in the P2D Result Signal Name and the select Create Standard Deviation Button

When you select OK the text representation of the command should be as follows:


Note: If CALCULATE_PER_FILE=FALSE. Signals from all active files are used to compute the mean

Note: If CALCULATE_PER_FILE=TRUE. The mean value is computed for Signals from each active files. The global mean value is then the mean value of the mean values.

Note: That the Output signal is a P2D Signal, which is associated with every file. The resulting signal, therefore, is stored in the GLOBAL_WORKPACE

The Meta-Command Create_Global_Means_For_Left_Right will be used for processing all 3 components of a number of model based signals using one pipeline command. Let the original cmo file contain the following signals:


Let the events for heel strike be labeled LHS and RHS and that mean signal should be computed from heel strike to heel strike.

The Pipeline script for the Create_Global_Means_For_Left_Right meta-command is below:


The following should be cut and pasted into the Create_Global_Means_For_Left_Right.v3m Meta_Command folder which should be placed within the Plugins folder.

! META_CMD_NAME=Create_Global_Means_For_Left_Right
! META_PARAM=    TYPE  :   string ::yes
! META_PARAM=    JOINTS  :   string ::yes
! META_PARAM=    START_EVENT  :   string ::yes
! META_PARAM=    END_EVENT  :   string ::yes

! Create a Global_Normalized_Signal_Mean event for left and right
! sides with common labels (e.g. RHS and LHS)




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