Set Data To New Values

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This command replaces the following commands:


Pipeline Command



The type of signal to be processed


The names of the signals to be processed


The name of the signal folder


The signal components to be modified


Optional Suffix to Add to the Result Name


The Folder for the Results


Start Frame


End Frame


A list of events (separated by "+" signs). For example, LHS+RTO


Exclude Sequences containing these Events.


(true or false) Explicitly uses the motion capture point rate.


The new signal value at each frame


Optional. Replace only if signal values is greater that this threshold



Optional. Replace only if signal values is greater that this threshold



Set the frames of data from start_frame to end_frame and/or from Start Event to End Event.

If a TARGET signal is set to DATA_NOT_FOUND, all components of the signal are set to DATA_NOT_FOUND.

Replacement_Value, Threshold_High, and Threshold_Low can be Expressions

Example: Using a Metric values as the low threshold

This example could use an expression instead of simply a metric value

Example: Change missing data to zero

Visual3D has a special number which we refer to as DATA_NOT_FOUND.

The actual value used internally is -999999

The following command properties will change every occurrence of DATA_NOT_FOUND to 0

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