DSX Software Development Kit

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To enable users of the DSX Suite to expand the suite with their own code, a DSX Software Development Kit (DSX SDK) is released with the suite. The DSX SDK comes in its own installer file and needs to be installed separately from the DSX Suite.

In order to add their own algorithms to DSX, the user would use the SDK to compile and build additional dynamic library files (dll) that most DSX applications will load during start-up.

Currently the SDK enables our DSX users to develop their own LCS algorithms that can be applied in Orient3D. We plan the expand the SDK in the future.

     DSX SDK Software Requirements
In order for the generated dll files to work properly with the DSX applications they need to be compiled and build with the same compiler that is used for DSX Suite. Currently this is: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
The configuration must be either 'Release' or 'Debug' and 'x64'.
Current Qt version: 5.13.1
Current VTK version: 8.2
     Downloading the DSX SDK
C-Motion software is all downloaded over the Internet at www.c-motion.com.
Customers are provided login information to access the download page.
After you log in at www.c-motion.com, you will see a screen similar to this:

Click the DOWNLOAD Buttons to save the DSX SDK installation file to your computer.
Most web browsers will offer you a choice of where to save the downloaded file; make sure you remember where you save the downloaded file.
Run the installation executable file you downloaded.
We recommend saving at least one prior installation file of the DSX SDK that works for you, as older installation files may be removed from the C-Motion download page without notification.
     Installing the DSX SDK
When you run the executable file that you downloaded you will be guided though the installation steps.
Your computer may ask you to confirm that you trust the source of the program you are installing.
The installer will install a number of header files in the include folder, one source file (CMGlobalTime.cpp) in the src folder, 8 (4 debug and 4 release) static library files in the lib folder, and a working example in the Example folder. It will also add the CM_DSXSDK_DIR variable to the computer's registry.
When the Completed dialog appears the DSX SDK has been successfully installed on your computer.
     Use of the DSX SDK
The easiest way to get started is to copy the contents of the Example folder in the SDK installation folder to a location where you have write permission. The names of the three .vcxproj files can be changed in Windows Explorer (e.g. into MyDll.vcxproj, MyDll.vcxproj.filters, and MyDll.vcxproj.user) as long as all three files have the same name and their extensions remain unchanged. The project can be loaded into Visual Studio by double clicking on the .vcxproj file or by starting Visual Studio, selecting 'Open a project or solution' and selecting the .vcxproj file in the file dialog.
The names of the header and source files (except CMGlobalTime.cpp) can be changed in Visual Studio. New files (with new C++ classes) can be added as well.
The LCSExampleModule.h (or MyDllModule.h) file defines a macro that defines the export directive. When the name of the macro is changed, the LCSExampleTransform.h (or MyTransform.h) and LCSExampleFactory.cpp (or MyFactory.cpp) files need to be edited accordingly as well. Make sure the LCSEXAMPLE_EXPORTS entry matches the preprocessor definition in the properties of the project for both Debug and Release mode.
To implement a new LCS algorithm, one would create a C++ class like the LCSExampleTransform class; the new class would inherit from CMLCSTransformBase, and its constructor and internalUpdate() would be overloaded. The m_Description variable is the identifier that is displayed in the O3D gui. The m_Side is not yet implemented. The m_Landmarks variable stores the required and optional landmarks used by the algorithm. The implementation of the algorithm goes into the internalUpdate() function.
Additionally a factory class like the LCSExampleFactory is needed. The class is derived from cmFactoryBase and is used in the DSX applications to create the correct instantiation of a LCS algorithm class object from the description string that is chosen in the application. Unless the name of the factory class is changed, the header file does not need to be edited. The extern functions in the MyFactory.cpp are used by the DSX applications for some checks and the creation of the factory object during runtime. Make sure the correct class object gets created in the cmLoadFactory() function:

extern "C" MyDLL_EXPORT MyFactory* cmLoadFactory() { return MyFactory::createInstance(); }

Debugging your code

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