Inspect3D Tutorial Getting Started

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Step 1: Create CMZ Files (Visual3D)

The first step is to create a CMZ file for each subject/session using Visual3D.

This tutorial provides a good overview of the steps required to build a CMZ file.

Step 2: Set path to data directory

After opening Inspect3D:

  1. Click the load library button on the toolbar to open the Library dialog:
    1. Click Browse to open a dialog that allows you to select a file path
    2. Select the top level folder/root directory which contains the CMZ files
    3. Click Select Folder
  2. Click Load
  3. Close the Library dialog

NOTE: Loading the library populates the Group Definition dialog (i.e. this is how Inspect3D knows what signals exist in the CMZ files).

Step 3: Define groups

Open/Define the Group Definitions:

  • Group Definitions: Allows you to define group definitions for the first time and opens the Group Definition Dialog
  • Load Group Def & Compute Groups: Loads a Q3D file containing group definitions and query the open library. If you've previously defined groups and saved the definitions, you can use this option.

Defining new group definitions:

  1. Open the Group Definition Dialog
    1. Manually create group definitions OR Click Auto-Populate Groups
    2. Click Calculate All Groups
    3. Close the dialog

Manually Create Group Definitions (Video)

Step 4: View Data

Step 5: Save Workspace

Step 6: Export Data

Step 7: Update CMZ Files (Optional)

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