Inspect3D Pipeline

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Inspect3D can be used to run pipelines and update the CMZ files in your CMO Library by:

  1. Creating BAD events or tags to indicate traces that were excluded in Inspect3D
  2. Updating force assignments based on excluded traces
  3. Creating events or tags to indicate traces that are included in Inspect3D
  4. Running external pipeline scripts on the active data
  5. Removing BAD events or tags that were created in the CMZ file by Inspect3D

Running a pipeline on data consists of two steps: first, selecting the data; and second, specifying the pipeline.

Select the data

There are four options for specifying which data the pipeline should be run on:

  1. All Queried Data: The pipeline will run on every workspace that in the root directory
  2. All Plotted Data: The pipeline will run on every workspace and trial that is currently plotted
    1. All data in Selected Queries: The pipeline will run on the selected groups' workspaces
    2. Only Plotted Data: Only the plotted workspaces in the selected groups
  3. Active Plot Data: The pipeline will run on all the workspaces that are plotted in the active plot (indicated by gray bounding box)
    1. All data in Selected Queries: All workspaces in selected groups
    2. Only Plotted Data: Only the plotted workspaces in selected groups
  4. Highlighted Data: The pipeline will run on any data that is highlighted within the plots.

Specify the Pipeline

Excluded Data

There are three methods for adding an event in order to exclude signals:

  • Only exclude individual traces
    • This means an event Bad_LAnkleAngle_X will be created during the bad cycle and the group definition of AnkleAngle_X will now exclude any sequences containing Bad_LAnkleAngle_X
  • Exclude all traces for this side when any data is excluded
  • Exclude all traces when data is excluded (regardless of side)
    • Creates a general event "BAD" and all currently loaded group definitions will now exclude any sequences containing BAD

It is also possible to add tags in order to exclude specific trials:

  • An trial that contains excluded data will be tagged with the specified tag name

Finally, it is possible to update force assignments during specified cycles:

  • For any groups that contain the specified text (ex. Force,GRF) delete force assignments during those cycles

Included Data

Besides tagging data to be excluded, it is also possible to create a tag or event for all data that is included (i.e. not excluded).

Run External Scripts

Run a [[Pipeline_Commands_Reference|pipeline script] (v3s file) that was created manually/in Visual3D.

NOTE: Within the script, there is no need to loop over workspaces or trials since Inspect3D will do this for you.

Remove Exclusions

If you have created events or tags to exclude data, it is always possible to remove these events or tags from your CMZ file.

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