Inspect3D: AutoPopulate Groups

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The Auto Populate Groups is meant to simplify the tedious task of defining Groups and Sub-Groups.

This feature is still being enhanced, so feel free to make requests.

  • Combine Sides:
    • Do NOT Combine Sides
    • Combine Left/Right
    • Combine Side Based on Tag
      • Affected & Intact Side Labels
      • Tags to identify Right Affected and Left Affected
      • Example: Right Side Amputees vs Left Side Amputees
      • Affected Side Label: Pros (Indicates text you want in the group name to indicate prosthetic side)
      • Affected Side Right: R (Indicates tag used to represent right sided amputees)
      • Affected Side Left: L (Indicates tag used to represent left sided amputees)
      • Intact Side Label: Intact (Indicates text you want in the group name to indicate intact side)
    • Pitching
      • Pitching Arm Label: Text you want used in the group name to indicate pitching arm signals (Ex. PitchArm_Shoulder_Angle_X)
      • Glove Arm Label: Text you want used in the group name to indicate pitching arm signals (Ex. GloveArm_Shoulder_Angle_X)
      • Right Sided Pitch Tag: Tag in Visual3D that indicates a right sided pitcher
      • Left Sided Pitch Tag: Tag in Visual3D that indicates a left sided pitcher
      • Start Event: Event sequence you want the data normalized to
      • End Event: Event sequence you want the data normalized to
  • Compare conditions using tags:
    • For however many tags are specified, there will be a group created with the tag name appended (ex. Group_TM)
  • Get Signals From:
    • A group/sub-group will be created for each signal in the specified folder
    • You can create groups from Signals (time based) or Metrics (discrete variables)
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