Inspect3D Tutorial: Build CMZs

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Tutorial for Inspect3D's Build CMZ functionality using the Driveline Pitching Dataset.

Build CMZ Files for Pitching Data:
  • Click Load Library Toolbar option
    • In Library Path Dialog, click Build CMZs
  • In the Build CMZ Dialog:
    • Set the path to:
      • C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_pitching\data\c3d
    • Metadata File:
      • C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_pitching\data\metadata.csv
    • MDH File:
      • C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_pitching\code\v3d\model\v6_model_hybrid_lm.mdh
    • Add the following scripts and ensure they are in the correct order:
      • C:\...\CMotion Files\Filter.v3s
      • C:\...\CMotion Files\Events.v3s
      • C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_pitching\code\v3d\CMO.v3s
    • Click Create CMZs

  • Metadata:
    • Check "Subject Specific" next to playing_level

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