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Statistics Example 1

Create a mean signal that contains data from both the left and right sides of the body.

Statistics Example 2

Find the signal that is most representative of a set of signals. This implementation is based on the following article:
Shadmehr R and Mussa-Ivaldi FA (1994) Adaptive Representation of Dynamics during Learning of a Motor Task. J. Neuroscience 14(5), pp 3208-3224.

Statistics Example 3

Computing the metrics SI and DPSI defined in the following Journal Article.
Wikstrom EA, Tillman MD, Kline KJ, Borsa PA (2006) Gender and Limb Differences in Dynamic Postural Stability During Landing. Clin J Sport Med 16:311–315

Statistics Example 4

A meta-command for computing a Linear Regression

Statistics Example 5

Another meta-command for Linear Regression

Statistics Example 5

A meta-command that performs linear regression for data that occurs between two events
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