Sift Tutorial - Load and View Data

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This tutorial begins by assuming that you have a CMZ file for each subject.session from Visual3D. If necessary you can use our build CMZ feature or work through the Visual3D tutorial for building a CMZ file.


This tutorial can be completed with any CMZ file. One possibility is a data set from a Visual3D Workshop at a recent ASB meeting: V3D Workshop @ ASB.

Load Library

To start, you need to tell Sift where to look for you data. After opening Sift:

  1. Click the Load Library on the toolbar or the top left of the load page:
    1. Click Browse to pen a dialog that allows you to select a file path
    2. Select the top level folder/root directory which contains the CMZ file NOTE: the CMZ file' associated CMX file must also be present for Sift to be able to load the library;
    3. Click Select Folder
  2. Click Load
  3. One the library is loaded, you will be able to do initial exploration on the Load page:
    1. Verify which CMZ file have been loaded in the 3D Viewer, as well as which C3D files are associated with each CMZ;
    2. Verify which file tags are present in the library;
    3. If you have loaded multisubject data, verify which subject prefixes and subject tags are present in the library; and
    4. Animate the data contained in any loaded C3D file.
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